Ruins of Castle Greyhawk Building / Landmark in World of Oerth | World Anvil
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Ruins of Castle Greyhawk

Original home of the Arch-mage Zagig. The castle was abandoned when the mad wizard ascended to godhood.

Zagig left the care of the ruins to his three most loyal groups of followers:
  • Clan Testof - Dwarves who built most of the tower and dug most of its dungeon levels. They were given guardianship over the Tower of War and its environs
  • Knights of Luna - under the command of Prince Melf Brightflame (who is also a member of Zagigs Ring of Five apprentices) these elves helped Zagig gather the arcane knowledge needed to ascend. They are in charge of the Tower of Magic
  • R'hisk Tribe - knowing warriors are a wizards best friend, Zagig enticed a tribe of Goliaths to safeguard his own personal tower (Tower of Zagig)
Due to the pact the Clan Testof made with Nerull (god of death) to help defeat the hordes of Vaprak, Zagig uttered a decree to his adherents that the lower levels were to be "off limits" for twenty years. That time has past and all three factions are allowing explorers through the castle dungeons to help assess what has transpired in their abscence.  


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