THE WHITE PALADINS Military Formation in World of Oerth | World Anvil
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To the White Paladins, technology is an instrument off justice so long as the hand that wields it is True    Allies: Followers of Heironeous  Enemies: Followers of luz, enemies of technology   Paladins of Murlynd are the most esoteric holy warriors in all of the Flanaess. They are in fact a distinctive and exceedingly rare sect of paladins of Heironeous and not truly consecrated by Murlynd himself (for the original White Paladin still serves the Invincible One.) However, like their infamous founder, they are an order outside regular society.  They share Murlynd's quirky interest in otherworldly mechanical devices and weapons as well as his devotion to using this technology to aid the struggle of the good and lawful against the forces of evil. While the White Paladins share strong connections to the faith of Heironeous and were likely once standard aspirants to his order, their nonconformity drew them to the teachings of Murlynd.    Although their means are strange, they have a strong sense of honor and an unquenchable desire to see justice done and the wicked vanquished. Paladins of Murlynd are all unique individuals and their appearance reflects this fact. Their eccentricity prevented them from conforming to the regular code of conduct of the faith of Heironeous and they were drawn to the strange teachings of Murlynd, the White Paladin.    His followers usually wear a hodge-podge of strange armor and clothing, almost all of it self-developed and constructed for purposes, only the paladin himself knows. Foreign hats, odd breastplates, or shirts of chain in combination with leather breaches or pantaloons are common. One leather glove matched with a gauntlet might be employed in some cases, along with unusual iron-shod boots and other curious items in inscrutable combinations in others. Coloration is without limitation, although they all find a way to incorporate the six-pointed star of Murlynd.    Their weapons are nearly as odd as their dress and include strange cross-bows and other unique ranged weapons. The more complex or technologically oriented the weapon, the more it is desired by these paladins.    The most jealously guarded inventions of the White Paladins are called firebrands, remarkable (some think magical) devices that can fire small metallic balls with sufficient force to pierce flesh and penetrate hide at great distances.    Murlynd rose to prominence in the Flanaess more than two centuries ago and accorded such luminaries as Zagig Yragerne and Keoghtom as his contemporaries (their adventures are best recounted in the tome Tales of the Company of Seven by the mage-bard Heward).    The White Paladin now shares the company of his sire, Heironeous, as well as Celestian and other deities, often traveling the planes of existence in his search for knowledge and technology that might aid his eccentric quests.    Murlynd was a part of the plot (along with St. Cuthbert and the mage Zagig) that saw the demigod luz confined to the dungeons of Greyhawk for a time. For that effort he won the enduring enmity of the Dark Lord of Dorakaa and the White Paladin still seeks his downfall. luz has marked his sect for destruction.    Murlynd is currently engaged in a feud with the fiendish St. Kargoth over a weapon known as the Quannon, which has drawn him away from Oerth for a time.    To a lesser degree, Murlynd's holy warriors share his pursuits. They travel the Flanaess in search of knowledge and technology that will aid their battle against the forces evil. Firebrands are their greatest weapons and are highly prized.


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