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Vitality points are a reflection of a characters ability perform heroic actions.  
Determing Point Total = 1/2 character level + highest ability modifier Long Rest (8 hours) = fully recovered 1/hour = if no other actions performed 1 vitality is recovered  
Sometimes as DM action points may give out actions points as a reward for roleplaying, clever ideas or as an alternate treasure. These action points can be used for anything that vitality points can be used for except once spent they do not recover (so PCs should cash these after their vitality is at zero).

Maximum number of action points equal 1/2 character level + highest ability modifier

NOTE: Action points can only be used once per round.

Vitality Point Use CostAction/Time Requirement
Convert hit point damage to subdual damage (equal to max vitality) 1 1 minute
Successfully treat deadly wounds (as heal skill) 1 10 minutes
Heal hit points as if having rested for 8 hours 1 1 hour
Heal hit points as if having rested 24 hours 2 8 hours
Recover racial/class ability 4 10 minutes
Recover Spell/Spell-like ability spell level 10 minutes
Remove 1 level of a progressive condition (i.e. exhaustion) 3 10 minutes
Stabilize (can be used while unconcious) 3 free action
Become Disabled (note must be stablized first) 1 Immediate action
Remain conscious while subdued for 1 round 1 Free action
Ignore condition next round (inc. death) 3 Immediate Action
Add d6 to a d20 roll (8th pick best of two dice, 15th+ three) 3 Immediate Action
Aid another (doubles aid bonus) 1 Swift action
Double bonus from a feat 2 Immediate Action
Use action/luck/heroic feat varies with feat varies
* Flash Back (immediately use # of downtime = level) 3 Immediate Action
* Alter Scene 3, 6 or 9 Swift action
* Get a clue 3, 6 or 9 Swift action

* = subject to DM (if denied no point is used)


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