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Zylbina the Great Mother

Granter of hearts desire; Finder of lost things, Protector of children and the Great Mother

Zybilna rules faerie realm of Prismeer from her castle known as "Hearts Desire:.  From here she takes care of her "children", those that she has adopted to become part of her court.

Mental characteristics

Morality & Philosophy

She enforces the following rules of etiquette within her realm.  

Rule of Hospitality.

When a friend. an enemy, or a stranger enters your home, you are expected to be gracious and accommodating to them until such time as they prove, by their words or actions, un-deserving of such hospitality.   

Rule of Ownership. 

You must not steal from a friend, an enemy, or a stranger. To take something that doesn't belong to you without the rightful owner's permission is a crime and an unforgivable breach of etiquette.   

Rule of Reciprocity.

 When a friend, an enemy, or a stranger offers you a gift, you are obliged to accept it and offer something of comparable value (be it a gift or a service) in return. Such reciprocation need not happen immediately.   When there is debate on whether these rules have been breached is it her or one of her proxies which determine if it's so, and what counts as an acceptable response.



The faerie Domain of Delight known as Prismeer.

Contacts & Relations

Lost Boys and Peter Pan

It through her blessing that the Lost Boys gain their powers.  Though they pay deference to her they find the rules of Prismeer too burdensom  

Witches & Warlocks

She is patron of many Warlocks and Witches. Zybilna provides the "Fey Gifts" patron ability with themes of Enchantment, Time, Protection and Enchantment


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