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Fri, Jun 2nd 2023 06:08   Edited on Fri, Jun 2nd 2023 12:18

Rotating Initiative

CONTENT TRANSFERRED FROM FACEBOOK   On the other hand, the house rule of shifting the initiative each round seems like it adds complication and in practice we've frequently missed turns or gotten confused.   GERON I think at the very least if we are keeping the initiative shift, the first shift should occur at the end of the first full round of combat, not at the end of a potential surprise round. Someone who is surprised but rolls the highest on initiative should get to go first on the first full round after surprise turns     CHRIS I second the abolish the shifting initiative. Do it once and just stick to it. Like every other game we play.   RICHARD Yesterday, Geron rolled the highest initiative- he missed round 1 ( surprise), missed 2nd round ( failed perception) and was at the bottom of round 3 after the shift ( despite having never acted). ( or something like that) This didn’t seem right ( going last after rolling first). I’m not against initiative shift- but there are some oddities. It certainly adds a chaotic element ( which I’m not always opposed to- I’ll differ to the consensus)   GORD I don't mind the shift idea . In practice there can be issues. If I could make a suggestion, mark the player with the highest initiative then the next combat round it will be obvious who is the next highest in initiative for the shift then move the mark to that person etc. Bottom line for me John is your game , your rules , I will follow them as best I can.   Every campaign we play has some form of house rules , it makes each campaign unique. I played a fairly simple class this campaign because I knew the game rules were going to be different than what I was used to, even with that decision I admit I should know our game rules and pathfinder rules better to keep the game moving.   I am glad we all feel invested enough that we can take the time to try and make our campaign as good as it can be. We are all still alive even though we were forced to improvise . I can think of a few campaigns were everyone knew the rules set the way they wanted and there was still a TPK due to poor execution , planning or luck. Cheers Boys !   ERIC The shift doesn't bother me too much, but I can see it playing havoc with spell duration, especially as the spells get more complicated and plentiful. Does a 1 round spell last for essentially 2 rounds during the round you are shifted? It might mean that a spell that's designed to do say 3d6 damage for a round will now do 6d6.   RICHARD Good point. If you are first in initiative, dispel will last two full rounds. As long as you cast before the bodies, they’ll get hit twice.
Fri, Jun 2nd 2023 07:23

I'm flexible on the initiative thing. Didn't know how people felt about be caught in the same routine round after round.   If we do continue it might be best if a PC keeps track of the rotation (one less thing for me to track and mess up).   Also pondering on trying out some other initiative variants.
Fri, Jun 2nd 2023 12:18

If you would like to continue this initiative system I think it is an easy fix Johnny. Mark the lead initiative, as the turn rotates back to them move them to the bottom and mark the new lead initiative etc. Nobody misses a turn, there actions are just moved . The initiative shift would also include baddies marked the same way. I think it is a little more work but we have an initiative board on screen and few in this group are shy about speaking up if there is a potential error :) . The shift is interesting once each combat a player waits a little longer to take their actions which will have benefits and issues in the combat. I ( Keep the mark simple like * )