Crescent City

The Night City


Vale's 1st largest city, Crescent City is claimed to of been founded somewhere 100 Years before the great war but many documents were lost as the city was flattened during the war and nearly all records were lost when the Crescent Library went up in flames, losing the world possibly thousands of years of history in the process. This large metropolis is the great cash cow of Vale, overtaking Mt. Glenn's supposed role.   It is also the main trading port other then Serpent's Cross, baring a resemblance to our world's Venice with man made canals of water running through the city and along the roads. It's the key spot of commerce and industry with a large and robust Industrial District further from the main city. It is often thought that if something goes wrong with Vale, Crescent Cit would be the Nation's new Capital.  


The City slowly wraps up the Mountain it was built on at first and slowly expanded out to reach the coast and become the Trading giant it is. Most roofs have blue tiles with stone exteriors and a lot of overgrowth. The City has dozens of sky ports to accommodating hundreds of sky ships and zeppelins at time. Since it's trading port, Tourism is common so the Mercantile areas are focused on the coats and big popular roads that lead to the Crescent Citadel.   It also has modern Weather resistant designs in it's structures with roads and sewer systems designed to clean and vent water out into near by Rivers and the Ocean. Solar panels are also extremely common and thus slashes Dust power consumption by 36%. When it comes to power the city depends on underground power systems accessible via underground tunnels which can be used as Grimm and Bomb shelters.   There is also sophisticated Hard light barriers that can erect from the sea thanks to Shield Towers and is similar to the systems in Argos designed by the same Brilliant minds in Atlas.    Another trait about the city is that the Districts are not rigid with producers spread throughout the city to ensure that in the event of a part of the city falling, they can still produce resources, such as the Hydroponic domes on the top of some roofs that allow people to grow and nurture their own food and sell it to potential buyers. It's dense population also lives in thousands of high density homes with communal living being common among residents.   Finally there is large number of monorails both in the sky and on the ground that provide public transport along side buses and ferries that run through the city's canals. Mobility is never an issue here.  


The City was founded by Picus Nightglow somewhere around 100 BGW, a 100 years before the Great War. It was said it's because the Night Sky is extremely visible above the mountain and surrounding area, this is because of the lower amount of dust above the city and every few months people get a show but of course need to apply more sun screen during the day due to increased UV exposure.   The City was flattened during the Great War when Mantle and Mistal forces sieged the Kingdom over colony disputes with one such claim being put over crescent city and what records remain of the battle tell the tale of a battlefield of Iron giants, bolt action rifles , gas masks and mass infantry charges. Desperate urban fighting and endless shelling and of course, many Grimm Attacks.   This event inspired the City Planner Regulus Attin, the Famous Faunus planner who designed the city to withstand prolonged sieges from any hostile force and created the artificial coast line that would go on to be the port city. During the civil war or the Faunus Liberation war, Crescent City partook in the fighting but fell out of favour with the Kingdom over the war and eventually surrendered without a fight to the F.L.R and was a beneficiary after the battle of Fort Castle.   The City was forced to pay lower reparations thanks to them surrendering and freeing the Faunus in their city earlier then the rest of the Kingdom, however the City still struggles with Faunus rights to this day, specifically handling the SDC as they're a major shareholder of most of the City's factories and thus have huge pull over Labour in them.    After the Fall of Beacon the city began a aggressive push by paying Hunters to not just defend from Grimm but actively attack them, beginning construction of the largest Military airport in the world, with the hopes of doing 24'7 air strikes on Grimm and pushing them away from the city Borders.
Founding Date
120 BGW (Disputed)
Large city
Inhabitant Demonym
Crescent Citizens
Location under
Owning Organization


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