
Basic Information


Aliscats, sometimes simply referred to as "Winged Cats" or "Flying Cats" are the size of a housecat, usually weighing between 8 and 20 pounds. They have the general anatomy of a housecat as well, with the addition of feathered wings. Their wings are large and their bones semi-hollow to allow for flight. Their toes are slightly elongated to allow for better grip on branches and narrow places when landing. They have slight additional muscling along their neck, shoulders, and back to help their flight as well as additional light musculature/fascia under the rib cage.

Genetics and Reproduction

Like a housecat, aliscats have kittens in litters. However, due perhaps to the extra space wings take up or due to some aspect of magical meddling, they have only 1-3 kittens per litter, with lower numbers being more common. The gestation period is about three months.

Growth Rate & Stages

Aliskittens are born totally reliant on their mothers, being both blind and featherless. Their eyes open at about 3 weeks, and they will have first kitten feathers in by 3 months, though adult feathers and full flight capabilities will not be present until their first molt at about a year of age. Aliskittens can be weaned from mom at about six months, though naturally they will stay for about a year. They reach full physical size at about 9 weeks.

Ecology and Habitats

They are natural hunters of small prey such as mice, bugs, rats, and rabbits. They can survive in the wild but rarely do so, preferring cities and people to the great outdoors, though wild clans are known to exist. They have no "natural" habitat, being a magical hybrid of domesticated housecats. They thrive with humans and are incredibly loyal, rarely straying from their person or family unless neglected or forced to do so.

Additional Information


The Aliscat in general seems to be self-domesticated; on average they have no real interest in being 'wild'. Some colonies of wild or feral aliscats do exist, but they are rarely observed so as to form a consensus on what might be different. However, because of their intelligence, a mistreated aliscat has no trouble leaving one situation and finding themselves a better one.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Generally, Aliscats are kept as pets and loyal companions. However, like any being of intelligence many seem to do better with a job to do. Common careers of the family aliscat include pest control, house or property guardianship, and babysitting of children (though they don't do diapers, thank you very much but can also include judgmental staring, existing to be admired, and being a general nuisance.

Average Intelligence

Aliscats are intelligent. While they cannot speak without magical intervention, they can learn to understand multiple human languages and are capable of basic, childlike communication through telepathic and other nonverbal means.

Civilization and Culture


This history of the Aliscat is not well known, but the most frequently told story seems to include a mage prone to particularly weird genetic experiments, his feline familiar, and a fascination with owls.

Quick Look

Magical Hybrid
15-30 Years
Conservation Status
Uncommon, Not Endangered
Average Height
9-15 Inches
Average Weight
8-20 Pounds
Average Length
12-25 Inches (Excluding Tail)
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Aliscats come in all colors and coat types that domestic cats do. Their wings usually match or coordinate with their coat color. They may have regular cat colored eyes (green, yellow) or any jewel color.
Where to Find


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