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The Sídhe

T he Sídhe have existed in the world for almost as long as the gods themselves (who created them). They are creatures who are difficult to trust, for you never know what they will do. They could become your friend or your ally, or they could ruin your life as you know it.   There is no "true" form that the Sídhe come in, but usually they appear human, though with something slightly off about them. The most common Sídhe to come across, are the ones that reside in forested areas, these Sídhe kidnap humans and replace them with changelings. Then there are the Dulluhan, the type of Sídhe who can detach their heads and carry them around, and are known as the law enforcement. It is difficult for those living in the land to keep track of the types of Sídhe that exist, but there are many.   The Sídhe are closer to the gods compared to the humans. The gods dwell and travel through the Sídhe's lands, so the Sídhe come in contact with the gods more. Whereas to the humans, the gods are distant, mysterious beings. But the Sídhe still recieve the conflicting nature of the gods themselves (such as hearing about the many myths that are believed about them). The gods to the Sídhe are mentors and friends, and they have whole priesthoods dedicated to the worship and learning magic from the gods. While they are less prone to anger the gods compared to the humans, there have been Sídhe in history who overstepped and were punished. That is how sirens came to be, as they originally were Sídhe before angering a god, and were taken out of what they consider to be their homeland (forested areas) and sent to the vast ocean. This has also made traveling between the land of Sídhe and the land of shapeshifters difficult as ships that have tried to sail out often meet a gruesome end.

Civilization and Culture

Common Myths and Legends

The most common "myths" about the Sídhe come from misunderstandings.
There are a lot of misunderstandings around "fairy hills" as the humans call them. The humans believe that these are the places where the Sídhe host parties and celebrations. What they don't know is that these are where the Sídhe keep their prisoners (of any species).   There are also misunderstandings about the Dulluhan, who are believed (by humans) to be harbingers of death, but are they are Sídhe's law enforcement. They strike fear into the criminals and murderers that they chase after.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

The Sídhe do not have a good relationship with humans. They have kidnapped humans (their children, people of the age Sídhe consirder to be marriagable), and brought them to their lands. The offspring from relationships between Sídhe and humans exist; they tend to be caught between two worlds, and find it extremely difficult to reside in one world or the other. The Sídhe also are enemies with a particular type of human: the Fairy Doctors. Fairy Doctors usually attempt to bargain with the Sídhe to bring a kidnapped human back. (Or from the Sídhe's perspective, one that was "saved.")   Sídhe have better relationships with satyrs, though this relationship tends to be one-sided, as the satyr is genuinely interested in the relationship, whereas the Sídhe might have ulterior motives for forming the relationship. Satyrs are one of the few creatures who have successfully managed to capture the Sídhe, because they too are quick witted, and though they are earth bound like humans, satyrs are closer in nature to the Sídhe. But relationships between Sídhe and satyrs tend to be short lived and not genuine.
They are believed to come from the gods, so not anything of earthly nature.
Thousands if not millions of years, though they are not as long lived as the gods.


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