Abjuration E.C.H.O

Abjuration E.C.H.O is a pale blue liquid with shimmering silver streaks, used primarily in protection and warding spells. It enhances protective magic, creating barriers and wards, and is commonly found near ancient ruins or significant historical sites. Stable if not exposed to dark magic, it is used in crafting magical wards and protective amulets. Highly valued for its protective properties, it is traded under strict regulation and stored in silver or lead containers to maintain its potency.


Material Characteristics

Glows faintly in the presence of magical energy.

Physical & Chemical Properties

Enhances protective magic, wards, and barriers.


Does not naturally combine with other substances without magical intervention.

Geology & Geography

Found near ancient ruins or sites of great historical significance.

Origin & Source

Believed to be the essence of ancient protective spells condensed over millennia.

Life & Expiration

Stable; deteriorates if exposed to dark magic.

History & Usage

Everyday use

In crafting magical wards and protective amulets.

Cultural Significance and Usage

Used in ceremonies for anointing guardians and protectors.

Industrial Use

Limited to magical and alchemical industries.


Requires purification in a silver-lined crucible.

Manufacturing & Products

Protective charms, wards, barrier potions.

Byproducts & Sideproducts

Minor luminescent residues.


Can amplify negative emotions if mishandled.

Environmental Impact

None when used properly.

Reusability & Recycling

Can be recharged at ancient magical sites.


Trade & Market

Strictly regulated due to its potential for misuse.


In silver or lead containers away from light.

Law & Regulation

Governed by local magical authorities; restricted use.
High due to its protective properties.
Ozone-like with a hint of iron.
Bitter with a metallic aftertaste.
Pale blue with shimmering silver streaks.
Boiling / Condensation Point
350°C / 100°C
Melting / Freezing Point
Similar to water
Common State

Cover image: Metallic Council Main Logo


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