Aegis of Vitalis


The primary utility of the Aegis of Vitalis lies in its ability to halt the progression of Sanguine Decay. By wearing the amulet, a blood mage can continue practicing their dark arts without fear of the disease's debilitating effects. The amulet works by continuously infusing the wearer’s blood with the regenerative properties of the Giff, counteracting the crystallization process caused by blood magic. Additionally, the Aegis of Vitalis enhances the mage’s overall vitality, granting increased stamina and resilience, thus making it an invaluable asset for any practitioner of blood magic.


Manufacturing an Aegis of Vitalis is a clandestine and arduous process. The materials required are rare and often dangerous to obtain, including Giff blood, enchanted minerals, and specific herbs known only to the Aegis Colony. The crafting process involves a series of intricate blood magic rituals, performed in a controlled environment to ensure the stability of the amulet. Due to the complexity and danger involved, the manufacturing is typically conducted in secret by a small group of master artisans within the blood mage community, who guard their techniques closely.

Social Impact

The Aegis of Vitalis has had a profound impact on the society of blood mages. Those who possess an amulet are elevated to a higher status, revered for their power and influence. The disparity between those who have access to the Aegis of Vitalis and those who do not has created a stark divide within the blood mage community, leading to tension and conflict. Additionally, the amulet has become a symbol of the ethical decay associated with blood magic, further stigmatizing the practice in the eyes of outsiders. The desire to obtain an Aegis of Vitalis has also led to increased criminal activity, as desperate mages go to great lengths to acquire one.
The invention of the Aegis of Vitalis is credited to a brilliant yet morally ambiguous mage named Arion Voss. Arion was a prodigious blood mage who led the expedition to the Aegis Colony and masterminded the theft of the Giff blood and materials. Driven by a relentless pursuit of power and knowledge, he devoted years to perfecting the amulet. Despite his controversial methods, Arion is revered among blood mages for his ingenuity and the revolutionary impact of his invention. His legacy, however, is marred by the ethical implications of his work and the societal divisions it has exacerbated.
Access & Availability
The Aegis of Vitalis is a highly coveted item among blood mages, but its availability is severely limited. Only a handful of these amulets exist, each one meticulously crafted with rare and stolen materials from the Aegis Colony. The process of creating an Aegis of Vitalis is both time-consuming and expensive, making it accessible only to the most affluent and influential blood mages. The scarcity of these amulets has led to a thriving black market, where they are sold at exorbitant prices and fiercely guarded by their owners.
The Aegis of Vitalis is a marvel of both arcane and scientific ingenuity. The amulet's core is made from a blend of Giff blood and rare minerals, enchanted with complex blood magic rituals to stabilize its regenerative properties. The outer shell is inscribed with intricate runes that channel the protective spells. Crafting an Aegis of Vitalis requires a deep understanding of both blood magic and the alien technologies of the Aegis Colony, making it an extremely complex artifact to reproduce. Only a select few mages possess the knowledge and skills necessary to create these amulets.
The discovery of the Aegis of Vitalis stemmed from a fortuitous encounter with the Aegis Colony, a secluded settlement known for its advanced knowledge of science and arcane arts. The blood mages of Twinmask learned about the Greatsmen of the Aegis Colony, whose vitality was significantly enhanced by the alien blood of the Giff, a race of interdimensional beings. Intrigued by their longevity and resilience, a group of ambitious blood mages infiltrated the colony, stealing vital materials and studying the alien blood. They combined this newfound knowledge with their own dark arts, leading to the creation of the Aegis of Vitalis, an amulet capable of preventing the progression of Sanguine Decay.
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Cover image: Metallic Council Main Logo


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