Aetherlink Pouch Technology / Science in World of Stendaaris | World Anvil

Aetherlink Pouch


The Aetherlink Pouch was discovered and developed by the renowned Arcane Engineering Guild of Rhitersvale. This guild, known for their innovative use of magic and technology, was instrumental in advancing the magical infrastructure of the world of Stendaaris. The founding arcane construction worker responsible for the creation of the original Sending Bag was Master Artificer Elion Thorneblade. Elion's vision was to create a magical item that could facilitate seamless communication and transfer of documents and small items over long distances, revolutionizing the way business owners managed their establishments.   When the AquaPass Maritime Coalition rose to power, High Admiral Thalorin Wavecrest recognized the potential of the Sending Bag and commissioned the Arcane Engineering Guild of Rhitersvale to enhance its capabilities. Under Thalorin's direction, the guild developed the Aetherlink Pouch, a more powerful version that could connect multiple locations and handle higher volumes of communication.


Aetherlink Pouches are rare and highly regulated items. Access is limited to high-ranking officials within the AquaPass Maritime Coalition, such as the High Admiral, AquaPass Coordinators, and Admirals. Additionally, licensed nautical organizations can obtain these pouches for fleet management, but they must undergo a rigorous approval process.


The Aetherlink Pouch is a highly complex magical item that requires advanced knowledge of arcane engineering and enchantment. Each pouch is intricately crafted with magical runes and glyphs that facilitate its communication capabilities. The enchantments are designed to ensure secure and instantaneous transfer of documents and small items.


The primary utility of the Aetherlink Pouch is to enable real-time communication and document transfer between multiple locations. It is particularly useful for:  
  • High-ranking officials within the AquaPass Maritime Coalition to coordinate and manage operations.
  • Nautical organizations to maintain control and communication within their fleets.
  • Business owners to manage their establishments remotely.
  The Aetherlink Pouch ensures that important documents, orders, and messages can be sent and received instantaneously, improving efficiency and coordination across vast distances.


Manufacturing an Aetherlink Pouch requires the expertise of the Arcane Engineering Guild of Rhitersvale. The process involves:
  1. Material Selection: High-quality, durable materials capable of withstanding powerful enchantments.
  2. Rune Inscription: Intricate runes and glyphs are inscribed onto the pouch to enable its magical properties.
  3. Enchantment: Master artificers imbue the pouch with powerful spells that facilitate communication and document transfer.
  4. Testing and Calibration: Each pouch undergoes rigorous testing to ensure it functions correctly and securely.

Social Impact

The introduction of the Aetherlink Pouch has had a profound impact on the social and economic landscape of Stendaaris. It has:
  • Improved the efficiency and coordination of the AquaPass Maritime Coalition, allowing them to maintain order and control over the seas.
  • Enhanced the capabilities of nautical organizations, enabling them to manage their fleets more effectively.
  • Allowed business owners to stay connected with their establishments, even while away on trade caravans or adventures, thereby increasing economic productivity.
The widespread use of Aetherlink Pouches has also led to greater accountability and transparency within the maritime community, as important documents and communications can be easily tracked and verified.


The original Sending Bag was invented by Master Artificer Elion Thorneblade of the Arcane Engineering Guild of Rhitersvale. The enhanced Aetherlink Pouch was developed under the direction of High Admiral Thalorin Wavecrest, with significant contributions from the guild's master artificers, including Arcanist Lyria Farsight and Engineer Dorian Steelweaver. Additionally, Ikan "Cobalt Master" Rhineforrel played a crucial role in spreading the concept to the Continent of Renstrom after visiting Rhitersvale, thereby facilitating its broader adoption and integration into the AquaPass Maritime Coalition. These individuals played key roles in advancing the technology and ensuring its successful implementation within the Coalition and beyond.

Cover image: Metallic Council Main Logo


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