Alloy Blight

In the World of Stendaaris, the relentless conflict between the Thoredran Federation and the Rhitersvale Confederation took a darker turn when a sinister curse emerged. This affliction, known as the Alloy Blight, originated from the magical and toxic alloys mined to create the Warforged and Autognomes. The curse manifested as a debilitating disease that affected both the miners and the constructs, leading to severe physical and mental ailments.    The roots of the Alloy Blight can be traced back to a displaced hag, Malindra the Wicked, who had been forced from her lair due to constant warfare. In her quest for revenge, Malindra infused the ores and metals with a dark curse, hoping to breed chaos and destruction. Her intention was to weaken both sides, making them vulnerable to her machinations, but her plan backfired spectacularly. The Alloy Blight, instead of obliterating one side, spread rapidly, causing widespread societal upheaval. Entire communities were crippled as miners fell ill, and the constructs designed to protect and serve became erratic and uncontrollable. The sickness led to paranoia, distrust, and a further escalation in the war as each side accused the other of sabotage. The toll on these communities was immense, and their plight calls for our empathy and understanding.   This curse-induced sickness led to drastic measures:   Quarantines and Isolation
Whole regions were quarantined to contain the spread of the disease, leading to significant economic and social isolation.
Desperation and Despair
Families were torn apart, and despair set in as no cure seemed forthcoming. The affected regions saw increased mortality rates and plummeting birth rates.
Increased Hostilities
The desperation to find a cure or a scapegoat intensified the hostilities, with both factions launching increasingly brutal raids and counter-raids.
  Amidst this chaos, the Tallow Stewards and Paraffin Rascals, the medical and repair groups from each side, emerged as beacons of hope. They discovered the sentience of the Warforged and Autognomes during their attempts to mitigate the curse's effects. Undeterred by the magnitude of the task, they worked tirelessly to repair and resurrect these beings, setting them free from the conflict's cycle and seeking a way to break the hag's curse.   Despite these efforts, the curse's grip remained strong, perpetuating the never-ending war. The societal upheaval caused by the Alloy Blight reshaped the cultural and political landscapes of both the Thoredran Federation and the Rhitersvale Confederation, embedding the conflict deep into their societies.

Transmission & Vectors

The Alloy Blight spreads primarily through contact with contaminated alloys and the environments where these metals are mined and processed. Miners, blacksmiths, and engineers who work directly with the cursed metals are the most susceptible to initial exposure. The disease can also be transmitted through physical contact with infected individuals or constructs, as the curse imbues their bodies with the blight. Airborne particles from the mining operations can carry the curse to nearby settlements, further spreading the disease. Constructs like Warforged and Autognomes can also act as vectors, especially when they malfunction and shed cursed fragments.


The Alloy Blight is a magical curse inflicted upon the ores and metals used to create Warforged and Autognomes. This curse was cast by Malindra the Wicked, a vengeful hag displaced by the ongoing war. Infusing her dark magic into the veins of precious metals, she created a lingering curse intended to wreak havoc on both the Thoredran Federation and the Rhitersvale Confederation. The curse disrupts the natural properties of the metals, turning them into vectors of disease and chaos. This magical interference causes biological and mechanical malfunctions in beings exposed to the blight.


The symptoms of allergy blight vary between biological and mechanical entities. For living beings, early signs include fatigue, coughing up metallic-tasting blood, and skin rashes resembling molten metal burns. As the disease progresses, it causes severe muscle weakness, respiratory distress, and hallucinations. In constructs, the blight causes erratic behavior, malfunctioning parts, and eventual breakdowns. Warforged and Autognomes display signs of cognitive dissonance, loss of motor functions, and uncontrolled energy discharges. Both biological and mechanical entities suffer from intense pain as the curse attacks their core essence.


Treatment for Alloy Blight is complex and varies between living beings and constructs. Biological entities use detoxifying rituals and alchemical therapies to purify the body from the curse. These include ingesting specially prepared elixirs and undergoing purification rites by skilled healers. Constructs require extensive repairs, often involving replacing corrupted parts and using enchanted oils and runes to cleanse their systems. The Tallow Stewards and Paraffin Rascals play a crucial role in these treatments, using their knowledge of both technology and magic to combat the curse.


The prognosis for those afflicted by allergy blight depends on the severity of exposure and the timeliness of treatment. Early-stage sufferers have a higher chance of recovery if treated promptly. However, those with prolonged exposure or advanced symptoms face a grim prognosis. Minor malfunctions can be repaired for constructs, but extensive corruption often leads to permanent deactivation. Despite the best efforts of healers and repairers, many succumb to the blight, leading to high mortality rates and the permanent loss of numerous constructs.


Survivors of Alloy Blight often experience long-term health issues, including chronic pain, respiratory problems, and weakened immune systems. Constructs that are repaired may continue to experience sporadic malfunctions and reduced efficiency. Both living and mechanical beings may also suffer from psychological trauma, manifesting as anxiety, paranoia, and post-traumatic stress disorder. The lingering effects of the blight impact their quality of life and ability to function within society.

Affected Groups

The primary affected groups include miners, blacksmiths, and engineers who work directly with the cursed metals. Warforged and Autognomes are also significantly impacted, with many succumbing to the blight's corrupting influence. The afflicted families suffer from the disease's social and economic consequences. Communities near mining operations are at high risk, facing periodic outbreaks and the constant threat of contamination.

Hosts & Carriers

Living beings such as dwarves and gnomes who work in mining and manufacturing are the primary hosts of the Alloy Blight. Constructs like Warforged and Autognomes act as carriers, spreading the blight through their interactions and malfunctions. Infected individuals and constructs can unwittingly transmit the curse to others, perpetuating its spread. The cursed metals themselves are the ultimate reservoirs of the blight, ensuring its persistence as long as the mining and forging continue.


Preventing Alloy Blight involves strict protocols in mining and handling the cursed metals. Protective gear and enchanted barriers are essential for miners and blacksmiths to reduce exposure. Regular purification rituals and inspections are conducted to detect early signs of contamination. Educating communities about the dangers and symptoms of the blight is crucial, as it empowers them to detect and seek early treatment. Constructs are regularly maintained and checked for signs of malfunction, and decontamination processes are in place for those who work closely with the metals.


The Alloy Blight is most prevalent in regions surrounding the mining operations and manufacturing hubs of Warforged and Autognomes. It has spread across the territories of the Thoredran Federation and the Rhitersvale Confederation, affecting thousands over the centuries. The curse's magical nature makes it resistant to conventional containment efforts, leading to periodic outbreaks. Alloy Blight's epidemiology shows increased cases following major battles or mining surges, reflecting its deep entanglement with the ongoing conflict.


The Alloy Blight emerged several centuries ago, soon after the hag Malindra the Wicked was displaced by the war. Initial cases were dismissed as isolated incidents until the disease spread rapidly among miners and blacksmiths. Realizing its magical nature and connection to the cursed alloys came only after extensive research and collaboration between healers and mages. Despite numerous efforts to eradicate it, the blight persists, feeding off the perpetual conflict and the continuous extraction of cursed metals.

Cultural Reception

The Alloy Blight is regarded with fear and superstition among the populations of both factions. Stories of the hag's curse and its devastating effects are told as cautionary tales. Some view the blight as a divine punishment for the endless war. In contrast, others see it as a challenge to be overcome through ingenuity and resilience. The afflicted are often stigmatized, leading to social isolation and discrimination. However, the tireless efforts of groups like the Tallow Stewards and Paraffin Rascals have garnered respect and admiration, highlighting the dual nature of fear and hope surrounding the blight.
Chronic, Acquired & Congenital
Affected Species

Cover image: Metallic Council Main Logo


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