AquaPass Item in World of Stendaaris | World Anvil

Mechanics & Inner Workings

The AquaPass is a magically enhanced document that provides several key functions:   Identity Verification: The AquaPass contains the holder's personal information, including name, birthdate, and place of origin, magically encrypted to prevent forgery.
Naval Organization Affiliations: The AquaPass lists the holder's affiliations with various naval organizations. This information is magically updated to reflect any changes in the holder's status or alliances.
Travel Permissions: The AquaPass grants permission to travel through various maritime regions and ports. It is regularly scanned and updated at designated checkpoints to ensure it remains valid.
Security Features: The AquaPass is imbued with magical seals and enchantments that make it tamper-proof. Any attempt to alter or forge the document triggers an alert to AquaPass Inspectors.
Revocation Mechanism: In cases of piracy or illegal activities, the AquaPass can be magically revoked, rendering it invalid and preventing the holder from participating in legal maritime activities.

Manufacturing process

Creation Process

The creation of an AquaPass involves a ritual performed by authorized officials at the AquaPass Maritime Coalition. The process includes:
Registration: The applicant provides personal information and undergoes a thorough background check.
Enchantment: Skilled enchanters imbue the AquaPass with protective and functional magic.
Seal of Approval: The document receives the official seals of the AquaPass Maritime Coalition, signifying its authenticity and validity.


The AquaPass was officially introduced in the year 2631, following the Crimson Isle Edict. This decree was a pivotal moment in maritime history, marking the transition from the chaotic, lawless era of free sailing to a more regulated and organized maritime society.


The AquaPass represents a significant cultural shift in the maritime world. It symbolizes the balance between freedom and order, embodying the ideals of the AquaPass Maritime Coalition. To the maritime community, the AquaPass is more than just a travel document; it is a badge of honor and legitimacy. Holding an AquaPass signifies that one is a recognized and respected member of the maritime community, with the rights and protections that come with it.   The AquaPass is also a symbol of unity and cooperation among the diverse factions of the maritime world. It fosters a sense of belonging and shared identity, encouraging collaboration and mutual respect among sailors, merchants, and adventurers.  

Cultural Impact

The AquaPass has become an integral part of maritime culture. It is a source of pride for those who possess it, representing their commitment to lawful and honorable conduct on the seas. The annual renewal ceremonies and the communal celebrations associated with them have strengthened the bonds within the maritime community, fostering a sense of unity and shared purpose.
Item type
Book / Document
Creation Date
18th of Agonalia, 2631
0.5 lbs
5 x 3.5 inches
Base Price
Free with registration / 1,000 gp for replacement

Cover image: Metallic Council Main Logo