Arcane Remediation Specialist



To become an Arcane Remediation Specialist, one must possess a unique blend of skills and knowledge. Formal education in alchemy, magical theory, and necromancy is essential. Apprenticeships under experienced specialists are common, where trainees learn the practical aspects of dealing with magical and physical residues. A strong constitution and mental resilience are crucial, as the work often involves gruesome scenes and hazardous materials.

Career Progression

Career progression typically begins with an apprenticeship, advancing to a junior specialist role upon completion. With experience, specialists can become senior specialists, overseeing larger cleanup operations and training new recruits. Eventually, the most skilled and seasoned specialists may become regional coordinators or directors, managing teams and liaising with local authorities and adventuring guilds.

Payment & Reimbursement

Payment for Arcane Remediation Specialists is generally high due to the dangerous and unpleasant nature of the work. They are often compensated per job, with fees varying based on the complexity and risk involved. Reimbursement for supplies, hazard pay, and insurance for injuries or magical ailments is standard practice.

Other Benefits

Benefits include comprehensive health coverage, including magical ailments, and generous time off to recuperate from physically and mentally taxing work. Some guilds offer enchanted equipment and protective charms to ensure safety during operations. Some even get to claim spoils of conflict not pilliaged by the loot hunger adventurers that failed to clean up after themselves.



The primary purpose of Arcane Remediation Specialists is to restore affected areas to their pre-incident state. They clean up magical residues, dispose of cursed or enchanted items safely, and ensure that no lingering hazards remain that could harm the general populace.

Social Status

Social status for these specialists is mixed. While they are respected for their crucial role in maintaining public safety and hygiene, the nature of their work often leads to them being viewed with a mix of pity and revulsion.


The demographics of Arcane Remediation Specialists are diverse, including individuals from various races and backgrounds. What unites them is a common aptitude for dealing with the arcane and a willingness to perform the tasks most others shy away from.


The history of the profession dates back to the early days of magical warfare when the aftermath of battles left towns and cities in ruins. Over time, the role became more formalized, with guilds and training programs established to ensure standards and safety.



Tools of the trade include enchanted brooms, anti-magic solvents, containment vials for hazardous materials, and protective gear imbued with spells to ward off harmful magic.


Materials used include purified water, enchanted cleaning agents, containment crystals, and various alchemical components to neutralize magical effects.


The workplace varies from open battlefields and destroyed towns to the hidden lairs of defeated villains. They may also operate out of well-equipped guild halls where they store their supplies and perform maintenance on their equipment.

Provided Services

Services provided include the cleanup of magical residues, safe disposal of cursed items, decontamination of affected areas, and restoration of damaged property. They may also offer consultancy on preventing future contamination and hazards.

Dangers & Hazards

The hazards are numerous and include exposure to lingering dark magic, physical dangers from unstable structures, and potential attacks from surviving minions or traps left behind by villains.
Alternative Names
"Magi-Cleaners," "Arcane Sanitation Engineers," and "Mystic Janitors."
The demand for Arcane Remediation Specialists is consistently high due to the frequent battles and skirmishes involving adventurers and villains. Every victory against dark forces or rogue wizards leaves behind a mess that needs professional handling.
The profession is legal and often operates under the auspices of local governments or adventuring guilds. Regulations require proper disposal of hazardous materials and adherence to safety standards to protect both the specialists and the public.

Cover image: Metallic Council Main Logo


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