
The Croupier within the Cult of the Deck is not merely an entertainer or a trickster. This specialized class is the epitome of cunning, deception, and strategic manipulation, designed to serve as the elite protectors and enforcers of the Cult's deepest secrets and most vital information. Every Croupier, whether a common member or the illustrious Mad Croupier, undergoes rigorous training to master the arts of subterfuge, arcane trickery, and lethal combat. These individuals are the guardians of the Cult's clandestine operations, ensuring that the intricate web of deception and power remains unbroken.



The Croupier is an elite operative within the Cult of the Deck that consists of 53 eliet members led by the Mad Croupier. This eliet group is divided into 4 smaller specialized units. Each unit comprises around 53 members, ensuring flexibility and the ability to undertake various missions simultaneously.


The Croupier operatives are equipped with a wide array of specialized tools tailored to their unique skill sets. This includes lockpicking sets, alchemical components for creating disguises, enchanted clothing for stealth, and communication devices for covert operations. Each unit also carries basic survival equipment such as rations, water purification tools, and portable shelters.


Croupiers are armed with a versatile array of weapons designed for both close-quarters combat and ranged engagements. Standard weaponry includes:  
  • Daggers: Enchanted for silent kills and infused with various poisons.
  • Shortswords: Light and quick, ideal for stealth attacks.
  • Hand Crossbows: Often loaded with bolts coated in paralyzing agents.
  • Throwing Knives: Balanced for accuracy and often enchanted for additional effects.


The Croupier formation employs a small fleet of discreet, unbranded horses, including carriages and boats for land and river transport. These vehicles are primarily used for quick deployments, extractions, and the transport of high-value targets or sensitive information. Additionally, they have access to hidden safehouses and supply caches strategically placed across their operational territories. They tend to not travel the seas if they can help it as the waters are infested with skilled pirate organizations.


The command structure of the Croupier formation is hierarchical, with the Mad Croupier at the apex. Below the Mad Croupier are four Croupier each responsible for a major operational sector. Each Croupier oversees multiple units, each led by a unique higharcy that resembles that of a deck of cards. Support roles include intelligence officers, logisticians, and arcane specialists.


Croupiers excel in guerrilla tactics, espionage, and precision strikes. Their favored tactics include:  
  • Ambushes: Utilizing their stealth and knowledge of terrain to surprise enemies.
  • Diversions: Creating distractions to mislead and confuse foes.
  • Infiltrations: Penetrating enemy lines or secure locations to gather intelligence or assassinate targets.
  • Psychological Warfare: Using illusions and mind games to demoralize and disorient opponents.


Croupier training is intense and multifaceted, covering physical conditioning, combat training, and arcane studies. Recruits undergo rigorous physical trials, advanced martial training, and extensive study of enchantments and illusions. They also practice crafting false identities and master the art of deception.


Logistical Support

To remain mobile and effective, the Croupier formation relies on a well-coordinated logistics network. This includes supply depots, covert communication channels, and hidden safehouses. Logistics personnel ensure that operatives have access to necessary supplies, medical care, and arcane resources.


Croupiers can call upon auxiliary forces within the Cult of the Deck for support. This includes arcane practitioners for magical support, mercenaries for additional muscle, and spies for intelligence gathering. These auxiliaries are not part of the Croupier formation but are integral to their operations.


Maintaining the Croupier status is costly, requiring significant financial investment in training, equipment, and supplies. The Cult of the Deck allocates substantial resources to ensure the effectiveness and readiness of their elite operatives. This includes regular maintenance of vehicles, replenishment of consumables, and payment for specialized training.


Recruits for the Croupier formation are drawn from the most talented and loyal members of the Cult of the Deck. Candidates must demonstrate exceptional physical prowess, intelligence, and a knack for deception. The recruitment process involves a series of rigorous tests, both physical and psychological, and those who pass undergo an initiation ritual where they swear fealty to the Mad Croupier and the Cult.


The Croupier has been instrumental in numerous critical operations throughout the history of the Cult of the Deck. They have executed high-profile assassinations, safeguarded the Cult's secrets, and played pivotal roles in major battles. Their legacy is one of fear and respect, known for their unmatched skill and unwavering loyalty.

Historical loyalties

The Croupiers has always been loyal to the Mad Croupier and, by extension, the Cult of the Deck. Their allegiance is to the ideals of the Cult and the preservation of its power and secrets. Throughout history, they have served the Cult's leaders with unwavering dedication, ensuring the organization's continued dominance and influence.
Covert Ops
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy
Used by

Cover image: Metallic Council Main Logo


Author's Notes

This is inspired from my homebrew subclass I created for rouge for D&D 5e. If you want to play a Croupier in your own world please take a look at my Jester subclass on D&D Beyond here.

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Aug 18, 2024 22:55 by Marjorie Ariel

That's neat that their heirarchy resembles a deck of cards. Does that make the Mad Croupier the joker?

Aug 21, 2024 20:33 by DM SIr Swank99

Yes that was the concept of the Mad Croupier it was a mix of something in my world that I have seen and maybe some binge-watching of DC Comics while writing. This summer camp was full of binge-watching shows while writing.