Divination E.C.H.O

Divination E.C.H.O is a clear liquid that flashes with light, used to enhance foresight and clairvoyance. It amplifies divinatory abilities, offering clearer visions and is often found near oracles or ley lines. With a half-life of two years, it's used in crafting scrying orbs and clairvoyance talismans. Valued among seers and diviners, it requires careful storage in crystal containers and is regulated by seer guilds to prevent misuse.


Material Characteristics

Emits pulses of light when foreseeing future events.

Physical & Chemical Properties

Amplifies divinatory abilities and clarity of visions.


Mixes well with silver dust to enhance prophetic accuracy.

Geology & Geography

Found near oracles and places with strong ley lines.

Origin & Source

Believed to be the essence of time itself, captured and condensed.

Life & Expiration

2 years; loses clarity over time

History & Usage

Everyday use

In crafting scrying orbs and clairvoyance talismans.

Cultural Significance and Usage

Essential in ceremonies predicting seasonal changes and major events.

Industrial Use

Rare, mostly limited to magical research.


Stabilized with moonstone during the full moon.

Manufacturing & Products

Divination rods, crystal balls.

Byproducts & Sideproducts

Faint residual energies that can cause temporary foresight.


Overexposure can cause disorientation or chronic visions.

Environmental Impact

Neutral, unless used in excessive quantities which can blur the lines of fate.

Reusability & Recycling

Can be rejuvenated under a new moon.


Trade & Market

Traded in markets specializing in magical artifacts.


In containers crafted from pure crystal, stored in dark, serene places.

Law & Regulation

Sale and use are typically overseen by seer guilds to prevent misuse.
Very high among seers and diviners.
Fragrance of fresh rain.
Ethereal, reminiscent of mint and clear water.
Transparent with occasional flashes of light.
Boiling / Condensation Point
150°C / 70°C
Melting / Freezing Point
Slightly lighter than water.
Common State

Cover image: Metallic Council Main Logo


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