Dread Reaper

Pirate Duke Aric "Skull Shredder" Winters' ship is a menacing sight on the open seas. The vessel is a massive warship, its black hull adorned with wickedly spiked ramming prow and intimidating skull motifs. The sails, tattered and worn, bear the marks of countless battles and conquests. The ship's deck is filled with the remnants of shattered enemy vessels, serving as a grim reminder of the Duke's fearsome reputation. It emanates an aura of darkness and foreboding, instilling fear in the hearts of those who dare to oppose it.

Weapons & Armament

aws of Destruction: The Dread Reaper is equipped with a massive ramming prow adorned with spiked jaws. On a successful ramming maneuver, the ship inflicts 8d10 piercing damage to the target, potentially causing severe damage or sinking smaller vessels. Cannons of Desolation: The ship is armed with 20 cannons, firing heavy iron cannonballs that deal 4d10 piercing damage on a hit. Harpoon Launchers: The Dread Reaper also features 10 harpoon launchers that can impale enemy vessels, restraining them and preventing their escape.

Armor and defense

Reinforced Darksteel Hull: The ship's hull is reinforced with rare darksteel, providing an Armor Class (AC) of 20 and 12,000 hit points.
Shadow Veil: The Dread Reaper is surrounded by a magical aura that grants disadvantage on attack rolls against the ship and resistance to necrotic damage.

Additional & auxiliary systems

Cursed Sail: The ship's sails are enchanted with dark magic, allowing it to move silently and undetected by magical means. This grants advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks made to remain hidden while sailing.
The Skull's Fury
"Ravage, Conquer, Repeat"
Owning Organization
Military Formation Usage
200,000 gp
35 ft
120 ft
80 ft
800 tons
60 ft
Complement / Crew
150 crew
Cargo & Passenger Capacity
200 tons 40 passengers

Cover image: Metallic Council Main Logo


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