Dread Serpent

A menacing sight on the open seas. It is a formidable warship built for power and intimidation. The vessel's sleek black hull is adorned with intricate carvings of skulls and bones, evoking a sense of dread in all who lay eyes upon it. Towering masts rise high into the sky, displaying dark crimson sails that billow with an air of menace. The ship's prow is shaped like a menacing serpent's head with glowing red eyes, symbolizing the ruthless nature of its captain and crew.

Weapons & Armament

Cannons: The Dread Serpent is equipped with a battery of 20 cannons. These cannons deal 4d10 piercing damage on a hit and have a range of 1,500 feet.
Ballistae: The ship also boasts 10 ballistae, capable of dealing 3d10 piercing damage on a hit with a range of 800 feet.

Armor and defense

Hull: The ship's hull is reinforced with enchanted steel plating, providing an Armor Class (AC) of 18 and 10,000 hit points.
Shields: The Dread Serpent is equipped with magical shields that grant a +3 bonus to its AC.

Additional & auxiliary systems

Magical Propulsion: The ship is enchanted with a magical propulsion system that allows it to maneuver swiftly and effortlessly through the water, granting advantage on Dexterity checks made to avoid obstacles or perform intricate maneuvers.
The Reaper's Shadow
"Mortem ad Omnes" (Death to All)
Owning Organization
Military Formation Usage
250,000 gp
30 feet
120 feet
90 feet
800 tons
60 feet
Complement / Crew
150 crew
Cargo & Passenger Capacity
200 tons / 50 passengers

Cover image: Metallic Council Main Logo


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