Enchantment E.C.H.O

Enchantment E.C.H.O, a soft pink liquid with gold specks, is used to enhance charm effects and emotional influence. Found in areas with a history of love or conflict, it plays a crucial role in crafting amulets of persuasion and love potions. Its sweet, hypnotic taste and perfumed scent make it popular in social and diplomatic contexts, where it is traded frequently in urban and magical hubs.


Material Characteristics

Sparkles when agitated or when in proximity to emotional energy.

Physical & Chemical Properties

Enhances charm effects and emotional influence in spells.


Can be blended with gold flakes to boost longevity of enchantments.

Geology & Geography

Often found in areas with a historical significance of love or great battles.

Origin & Source

Derived from the essence of powerful emotions and momentous events.

Life & Expiration

Maintains potency for 3 years before gradually fading.

History & Usage

Everyday use

In creating amulets of persuasion and love potions.

Cultural Significance and Usage

Valued in matchmaking and diplomatic negotiations.

Industrial Use

Used in crafting items that require a strong emotional connection.


Purified through a process involving rose quartz and moonlight.

Manufacturing & Products

Charm bracelets, enchanting oils.

Byproducts & Sideproducts

Emotional residue, sometimes manifesting as mild euphoria.


Misuse can lead to emotional dependency or manipulation.

Environmental Impact

Minimal, but careless use can disrupt local emotional energies.

Reusability & Recycling

Can be diluted and reused in lesser enchantments.


Trade & Market

Frequent trading in urban and magical hubs.


Best kept in containers lined with rose petals or soft metals like gold.

Law & Regulation

Regulated to prevent unethical enhancements.
High, especially in social or diplomatic contexts.
Perfumed, with undertones of jasmine and lavender.
Sweet, with a hypnotic quality that lingers.
Soft pink with gold specks.
Boiling / Condensation Point
180°C / 80°C
Melting / Freezing Point
Comparable to olive oil.
Common State

Cover image: Metallic Council Main Logo


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