Essence Seekers

The profession of Essence Seekers is an extraordinary calling, drawing adventurous souls to far-flung and remote corners of Stendaaris, where mystical treasures lie hidden. These intrepid travelers brave treacherous terrains and perilous environments, all in pursuit of the rare and magical essences that define the essence of their world.   The Lostwave Essence found in the Death Wave Sea sets the stage for their daring journeys. It blooms amidst the shipwrecks, guarded by colossal sea creatures, and holds the key to crafting the legendary Sea Salvage Stew—a source of survival and curse for those who partake in its magic. Essence Seekers navigate through the tumultuous waves, driven by the promise of this enchanting plant and the elusive hope of reuniting separated families.   Beyond the Death Wave Sea, other essences await discovery. In the heart of Stendaaris lies the Emberstone Essence, a radiant gem of pure heat and power, sourced from the fiery depths of a volcano. Adventurers tread the searing heat, risking molten lava, to gather this essence coveted by alchemists and blacksmiths alike, seeking to imbue their creations with strength and resilience.   In the frozen tundra of Stendaaris Taiga, Essence Seekers seek out the Frostveil Essence, a crystalline ice embodying winter's embrace. This ethereal gem finds its way into the hands of healers and potion-makers, eager to craft remedies and artifacts with enchanting chill and healing properties.   Venturing into the murky Marsh of Three Peaks reveals the elusive Whispergloom Essence, an ethereal mist that veils secrets and shadows. Seers and mystics seek its enchanting powers, tapping into hidden truths and enhancing their visions.   As Essence Seekers traverse these untamed regions, they become the bridge between nature's wonders and the diverse needs of Stendaaris' inhabitants. The essences they gather unlock the potential of art, magic, and science, propelling their world into new realms of possibilities. Their profession, though perilous, is one of unmatched discovery, guarding the secrets of the essence and preserving the allure of Stendaaris' remote and mystical lands.



Essence Seekers must possess exceptional navigational skills, sailing expertise, and knowledge of various terrains. They require proficiency in herbalism and alchemy to identify and extract essences safely. Physical endurance and adaptability to extreme environments are essential, as well as an understanding of regional cultures and languages to navigate through unfamiliar territories.

Career Progression

As novices, Essence Seekers typically undergo mentorship under experienced veterans. With proven expertise, they can advance to become expedition leaders, instructors, or consultants, guiding others in essence-seeking endeavors. Some may even establish their own essence-based businesses, crafting unique potions, artifacts, or services for the world.

Payment & Reimbursement

Payment varies based on the rarity and potency of the essences collected, as well as the demand for their services. Essence Seekers may negotiate a combination of upfront payment and a percentage of profits from essence-based products or services. Reimbursements for expenses incurred during expeditions are typically covered by the entity commissioning their services.

Other Benefits

Aside from financial rewards, Essence Seekers gain access to potent essence-based potions and artifacts. They earn the respect and admiration of their peers and become renowned figures in Stendaaris' mystical circles. Additionally, they forge strong bonds with clients, creating a network of allies across diverse professions and cultures.



Essence Seekers play a crucial role in connecting the world with the wonders of mystical essences. They preserve ancient traditions, advance scientific knowledge, and fuel the economy with valuable essence-based creations. Their work enhances magical practices, boosts healing techniques, and contributes to various industries.

Social Status

Essence Seekers hold a unique and esteemed position in society. They are revered for their courage and knowledge, often celebrated as heroes who unveil the world's enchanting secrets. Their presence at events and gatherings adds an air of mystery and allure, elevating their social status.


Essence Seekers come from diverse backgrounds, with varying professions and interests. While some are skilled sailors or herbalists, others may have backgrounds in alchemy, art, or even archaeology. They span all ages, drawn to the profession by their thirst for adventure and a desire to unravel the essence's mysteries.


The profession of Essence Seekers dates back to ancient times, with explorers and alchemists venturing into untamed lands in search of powerful essences. Over the centuries, their reputation grew, as did the demand for their services. Today, they continue to be influential figures, shaping Stendaaris' magical and commercial landscapes.



Essence Seekers rely on navigation equipment, herbalism kits, alchemical apparatus, and specialized containers for essence collection. They carry maps, compasses, and survival gear, adapted to the environments they explore. Additionally, they use magical implements to enhance their abilities and protect themselves from hazards.

Provided Services

Essence Seekers offer essence extraction, consultation, and artifact crafting services. They may work on commission for specific essences or undertake explorations to locate new sources. They also advise on the potential uses of essences and create customized essence-based products for clients.

Dangers & Hazards

Essence Seekers face perilous challenges during their expeditions, including encounters with dangerous creatures, extreme weather conditions, and treacherous terrains. The essence extraction process can be delicate and hazardous if not executed properly, potentially leading to harmful consequences.
Alternative Names
Essence Hunters, Mystical Alchemists, Spirit Harvesters, Essence Explorers, Arcane Foragers, Guardians of Mystical Wonders
The demand for Essence Seekers has risen steadily due to the popularity of essence-based products and the mystique surrounding their extraordinary quests.
While the profession of Essence Seekers is generally considered legitimate, some regions may require permits or approvals for specific expeditions. There may also be regulations on the trade and export of essences, especially those of high potency or rarity. Proper documentation and adherence to local laws are crucial to ensure a legal and ethical practice.

Cover image: Metallic Council Main Logo


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