Evocation E.C.H.O

Evocation E.C.H.O is a bright orange liquid with yellow veins, utilized in offensive and energy-based spells. Radiating warmth and occasionally emitting sparks, it boosts the potency of evocation spells. Found in volcanic regions or areas struck by lightning, it is used in creating magical weapons and tools requiring high energy. This E.C.H.O is volatile, requiring insulated, heat-proof storage and strict regulation due to its potential hazards.


Material Characteristics

Radiates warmth and occasionally emits small sparks or flames.

Physical & Chemical Properties

Boosts the potency of evocation spells, particularly those involving fire or electricity.


Reacts explosively with elemental earth compounds.

Geology & Geography

Commonly found in volcanic regions or areas struck by lightning.

Origin & Source

Believed to originate from the elemental plane of fire.

Life & Expiration

Stable for up to 5 years but loses potency if cooled below freezing.

History & Usage

Everyday use

Used in crafting spells of destruction or elemental control.

Cultural Significance and Usage

Celebrated in festivals of light and fire, used in rites of passage for warriors.

Industrial Use

Employed in the creation of magical weapons and tools requiring high energy.


Requires containment in heat-resistant crucibles and stabilization with elemental fire.

Manufacturing & Products

Fire wands, lightning rods, explosive runes.

Byproducts & Sideproducts

Residual heat, occasional mini-storms of electrical discharge.


Highly volatile, risk of burns or explosions if mishandled.

Environmental Impact

Can cause localized warming or ignite fires if spilled.

Reusability & Recycling

Can be re-infused with elemental energy at a volcanic source.


Trade & Market

Controlled market; mainly available to licensed users.


In insulated, heat-proof containers, often lined with asbestos or similar materials.

Law & Regulation

Strictly regulated, with permissions required for use in populated areas.
Very high, especially among combat mages and artificers.
Ozone, with a hint of burnt air.
Sharp, electrifying, akin to tasting pure energy.
Bright, fiery orange with pulsating yellow veins.
Boiling / Condensation Point
300°C / 120°C
Melting / Freezing Point
Slightly denser than water.
Common State
Liquid, occasionally emits sparks.

Cover image: Metallic Council Main Logo


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