Flame's Fury

A sleek and swift vessel that cuts through the waves with grace and precision. Its streamlined design and dark, obsidian-colored hull give it an air of elegance and mystique. The ship's sails, adorned with vibrant red and orange feathers, resemble the fiery wings of a falcon in full flight. Carvings of falcons and swirling flames decorate the ship's figurehead, exuding an aura of power and intensity.

Weapons & Armament

Fireball Cannons: The Flame's Fury is armed with 15 fireball cannons. These cannons shoot magical fireballs that explode upon impact, dealing 6d6 fire damage to targets in a 30-foot radius.
Flametongue Ballistae: The ship also features 8 flametongue ballistae, which shoot flaming bolts capable of dealing 2d10 piercing damage and 2d6 fire damage on a hit.

Armor and defense

Reinforced Hull: The ship's hull is reinforced with enchanted steel plating, providing an Armor Class (AC) of 17 and 8,000 hit points.
Elemental Shielding: The Flame's Fury is protected by a magical shield that grants resistance to fire damage and advantage on saving throws against fire-based effects.

Additional & auxiliary systems

Elemental Propulsion: The ship is equipped with a powerful elemental engine that harnesses the energy of fire. This grants the ship advantage on Strength checks made to ram other vessels and resistance to fire damage.
The Falcon's Wrath
"Ignite the Seas, Conquer the Skies"
Owning Organization
Military Formation Usage
150,000 gp
Very Rare
25 feet
90 feet
60 feet
500 tons
80 feet
Complement / Crew
100 crew
Cargo & Passenger Capacity
150 tons / 30 passengers

Cover image: Metallic Council Main Logo


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