Illusion E.C.H.O

Illusion E.C.H.O is a translucent liquid that changes color based on the viewing angle, used to enhance illusions. It adapts its taste and odor to the user's expectations and is found in areas known for mirages like deserts or magical forests. Used in entertainment and security, it must be stored in opaque containers to prevent light degradation and is monitored for misuse in trade markets.


Material Characteristics

Shifts appearance; sometimes appears as a mirage or a faint fog.

Physical & Chemical Properties

Augments the realism and complexity of illusions.


Blends well with materials that refract light, such as prisms or fine sand.

Geology & Geography

Found in areas known for mirages, like deserts or magical forests.

Origin & Source

Thought to be condensed from residual magical energies left by illusion spells.

Life & Expiration

Loses effectiveness after 3 years or when exposed to direct sunlight.

History & Usage

Everyday use

In crafting items that create or enhance illusions.

Cultural Significance and Usage

Used in theatrics and ceremonies to awe and entertain.

Industrial Use

Applied in entertainment, security systems, and stealth technology.


Requires exposure to moonlight and a silver mirror for stabilization.

Manufacturing & Products

Cloaks of invisibility, illusion projectors, deceptive trinkets.

Byproducts & Sideproducts

Optical distortions, fleeting images.


Can cause disorientation or hallucinations if overused.

Environmental Impact

Minimal, though excessive use can lead to visual pollution.

Reusability & Recycling

Can be revitalized by exposing it to a full spectrum of light.


Trade & Market

Traded openly but monitored for misuse.


Best kept in opaque containers to prevent light degradation.

Law & Regulation

Sale and use are monitored to prevent fraud or deception.
High in entertainment and espionage industries.
Similarly variable, often floral or sweet.
Ever-changing, adapts to the taster's expectations.
Translucent with a shimmer that changes color based on viewing angle.
Boiling / Condensation Point
100°C / 40°C
Melting / Freezing Point
Lighter than water.
Common State
Liquid, visually mesmerizing.

Cover image: Metallic Council Main Logo


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