Jorim Brusk Stonemantle II

Jorim Brusk Stonemantle II

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Despite his paralysis, Jorim maintains a good physical condition. His upper body strength is particularly well-developed, aiding him in both daily activities and performances.

Body Features

Half-elf heritage is evident in his lithe build and graceful movements, even from his wheelchair. His silver hair and bright green eyes add to his striking appearance.

Facial Features

A handsome, angular face with high cheekbones, a straight nose, and expressive eyes that seem to twinkle with mischief and wisdom.

Identifying Characteristics

His silver hair and green eyes are his most distinguishing features, along with the intricate designs on his combat wheelchair.

Physical quirks

He often tilts his head slightly when he is deeply focused or intrigued by something. He is also not afraid of a bit of flirtatious bottom pinching if the mood is set properly.

Special abilities

Jorim's primary abilities lie in his bardic magic, which he uses to inspire, heal, and protect. His music can enchant and manipulate emotions, making him a powerful ally and a formidable foe.

Apparel & Accessories

He dresses in finely crafted, practical clothing suited for travel and performance, often adorned with subtle musical motifs. His combat wheelchair is both a necessity and a statement piece, intricately designed and enchanted.

Specialized Equipment

His combat wheelchair is a specialized piece of equipment, enchanted for enhanced mobility and protection. It includes compartments for musical instruments and spell components.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

He was born into a noble family, carrying the legacy of his father, a renowned scholar and knight. From a young age, he exhibited a strong affinity for music and storytelling, which led him to pursue a career as a bard. His journey to bardic excellence took him to a prestigious college where he honed his skills. A tragic accident left him paralyzed, but Jorim's indomitable spirit pushed him to continue his pursuits with the aid of a specially crafted combat wheelchair. Despite his physical limitations, Jorim's charm, wit, and talent have made him a beloved figure in his community.

Gender Identity

He identifies as male and embraces his masculinity with pride. He is comfortable in his skin and expresses his gender through his attire and demeanor.


He is romantically and sexually attracted to individuals regardless of gender. His flirtatious and romantic nature has led to many admirers and lovers throughout his life.


He received formal education in both noble and bardic traditions. His time at the bardic college was particularly formative, allowing him to master his musical talents and arcane abilities.


He is a professional bard, performing at courts, taverns, and festivals. His reputation as a captivating storyteller and musician precedes him, making him a sought-after entertainer.

Accomplishments & Achievements

His most notable achievements include several published collections of his stories and songs, a prestigious award from the Bardic College, and numerous successful performances across the land. His combat wheelchair, a marvel of both craftsmanship and arcane engineering, is also a testament to his ingenuity.

Failures & Embarrassments

He has faced his share of failures, including an early performance that ended in disaster due to stage fright. The accident that left him paralyzed was a significant blow, but he has turned it into a source of strength rather than shame.

Mental Trauma

The accident that caused his paralysis was traumatic, leading to a period of depression and self-doubt. However, with the support of friends and his love for music, he overcame these challenges.

Intellectual Characteristics

He is highly intelligent, with a keen understanding of both the arcane and the arts. His quick wit and deep knowledge of history and lore make him a formidable conversationalist and strategist.

Morality & Philosophy

He believes in using his talents to bring joy and enlightenment to others. He values creativity, freedom, and love, often challenging societal norms with his cheeky behavior and unconventional views.


He strongly opposes cruelty and oppression, refusing to perform for tyrants or those who exploit others. He also has a personal taboo against using his magic to harm others unless absolutely necessary.

Personality Characteristics


Jorim is driven by a desire to bring joy, inspiration, and enlightenment to others through his music and stories. He seeks to honor his father's legacy while carving out his own unique path.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Jorim excels in music, storytelling, and arcane knowledge. He is less adept at physical tasks that require lower body strength or agility, relying on his wheelchair for mobility.

Likes & Dislikes

Jorim loves music, storytelling, and the company of interesting people. He dislikes cruelty, injustice, and being underestimated because of his disability.

Virtues & Personality perks

Jorim is charismatic, resilient, and intelligent. His creativity and ability to inspire others are his greatest strengths.

Vices & Personality flaws

His cheeky behavior can sometimes get him into trouble, and his overconfidence may lead to reckless decisions.

Personality Quirks

Jorim has a habit of tapping his fingers rhythmically when he's thinking or anxious. He also has a mischievous smile that often appears before he delivers a witty remark.


Jorim maintains excellent hygiene, taking pride in his appearance and grooming. His noble upbringing instilled in him the importance of cleanliness and presentation.

Representation & Legacy

Jorim aims to be remembered as a great bard who overcame personal challenges to bring joy and inspiration to the world. He hopes his legacy will encourage others to pursue their passions and defy societal expectations.
Date of Birth
Vulcan 13th, 2586
Year of Birth
2586 56 Years old
Charismatic and well-groomed, often seen in elegant yet practical clothing suitable for performances and travel.
Bright blue
Silver, often tied back
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Fair with a slight elven luminescence
150 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
"A song can heal the soul just as well as any spell."

"Never underestimate the power of a well-timed jest."

“The more, The merrier.”
Known Languages
He is fluent in Common, Elvish, and several other languages commonly spoken among bards and scholars.
Character Prototype
He is modeled after the archetype of the charming and resilient bard, blending elements of classic bards with unique personal attributes like his combat wheelchair and noble heritage.

Cover image: Metallic Council Main Logo


Author's Notes

I created Jorim Brusk Stonemantle II in honor and memory of my late brother Jimmy. My brother loved music and this summer I am dedicating my completion of Summer Camp 2024 to my father. I find it fitting in a conversation I had with my father after Jimmy's burial I asked my dad if i could create a D&D npc for my fantasy world in Jimmy's honor. So my dad and I worked on it slightly i just asked my dad some questions. Now is the day I can actually put my brother into words for my fantasy world. I hope you all enjoy.     Jimmy passed away on Tuesday, June 7, 2022, with his sister, Candy, by his side. Jimmy lived in his own apartment with help from his CHI Friendship family and recently, Hospice of the Red River Valley.   Jimmy’s personality was larger than life itself. If there was chaos happening around him, he was more than likely the culprit of the event. He loved music; Elvis and Johnny Cash were his favorites. He loved his guitar, drums, noisemakers, and counting to 10 as loud as possible on his drum. His smile and infectious laugh could turn around a person’s day in a heartbeat. A person could not stay unhappy when they were spending time with Jimmy. Jimmy did not communicate in a traditional manner. He had no problem letting someone know if he liked or didn’t like what was happening around him. Bringing joy to others was his gift. He brought that joy to others during the Christmas Holiday, ringing bells for the Salvation Army’s Red Kettle Campaign. He would ring the bell and sing along, bringing the attention to the Red Kettle. Jimmy taught others that a shoe could bring an immense amount of joy and pleasure; a person just needed an imagination.   Jimmy loved to travel. His favorite trip was to Graceland, the birthplace of Elvis Presley. He took many trips to Minneapolis/St Paul to enjoy shows at Chanhassen Dinner Theater, attend Minnesota Twins games, visit parks, zoos, and whatever else the cities would offer.   Jimmy’s family was near and dear to his heart. In March 2013, Jimmy and his sister, Candy, moved into an apartment together. At that moment, the family was “put back together,” as stated by his dad. Jimmy invited and welcomed his family into their home for holiday meals. He welcomed any drop-in visits from family members. He attended church with his family every chance he got. He loved to be around people. Hosting friends and family gatherings were a highlight for him. His opinion was, “the more, the merrier” the greater the chaos!!

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