Londa The Eldritch Whisperer

The kingdom of mount roma received what was to be a dormante dragon egg in the year of 1558. Because it was dormant and not expected to hatch the kingdom put it in its treasury in complete darkness. In the year 1560 the egg hatched. The dragon was pleased with its environment as it instantly got a horde of gold from the treasury and all the vermine to eat. Some time in the the years 1610 to 1680 the kingdom was undergoing financial troubles. there was rummors of their treasury being haunted and sometimes gaurds sent to the depths below wouldn't return with the coin they where requested to bring back. So the kingdom asked for aid to make sure what ever was down there could be taken care of. The group discovered a young silver dragon who had the ability to blend into the shadows. The party was able to produce magical bindings that made this dragons lair and the treasury of mount roma its prison not just home. The enchantments put on the chain allowed the dragon to freely travel the treasury until a creature brings a special chest to the depths. this chest had an runic ability that tightned the slack of the bindings to the dragon. This was done so they could gather coin for the kingdom above.   This dragon was never given a name. All she was ever known to be was the eldritch whisperer in the treasury. This was because of her shadowy appearance. Then something happend an adventure landed into her lair from above trying to flee the kingdom. The adventures name was Garim Vaeliss . He just got done destroying an evil lich's phalactery and killed someone and needed to flee for his life. Having a distane for the kingdom for being their captive for years she turned herself into a dark elf similar to Garim Vaeliss but with some femine charm. She aided him as long as he helped her escape as well. Garim was able to remove the bindings however he could only remove them from one source. so he bound the other end to himself. Later Garim would be able to unbind both of them but had to bind the chains elsewhere. He met up with Kriv and Kraglin in the bookbinders guild and was able to transfer the bindings to them.   Since she left Garim the eldritch whisperer adopted the new name of Londa. As londa she was able to reopen the enchantorium in Aceitunas and started to plot her revenge on the kingdom of mount roma. In past 32 years she was able to research various topics on the silver shadow clan. The fall of Ryo Nexus and the rise of Kardun. The tales of the Arcanium war that forcfully removed Ryo Nexus from the academy of thorn'adan and the sealing of his tower. She read about the cult of mystras folly and this was especially pleasing to her as it tied to all her shadow knowledge. She found members of the cult after they where almost beaten to nonexistance. She was able to rebuild the cult and runs it out of her Enchantorium. She learned of the banishment of Night Slinger Namue Isardum the Eldritch and sent her new leitenats to bring him back to the material plane.

Cover image: Metallic Council Main Logo


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