Necromancy E.C.H.O

Necromancy E.C.H.O, a deep black liquid with a purple hue, is utilized in spells related to death and the undead. It empowers necromantic spells and is found in graveyards or haunted locales. Its potent properties increase with age, and it is used in crafting phylacteries and undead summoning stones. Due to its hazards, it is heavily regulated and often illegal, requiring storage in sealed lead or blessed silver containers.


Material Characteristics

Absorbs light, making it appear darker than it is.

Physical & Chemical Properties

Empowers necromantic spells, enhances control over undead.


Can be mixed with bone dust to enhance its effects.

Geology & Geography

Typically found in graveyards, ancient battlefields, or haunted locales.

Origin & Source

Believed to be the condensed essence of death and decay.

Life & Expiration

Stable indefinitely; potency increases with age.

History & Usage

Everyday use

In crafting spells and items related to necromancy.

Cultural Significance and Usage

Often used in rituals of remembrance or to communicate with the dead.

Industrial Use

Limited to magical research and undead creation.


Must be handled and refined by skilled necromancers only.

Manufacturing & Products

Phylacteries, undead summoning stones, death wards.

Byproducts & Sideproducts

Residual necrotic energy, which can animate small objects.


Can attract malevolent spirits or undead; hazardous to the living if mishandled.

Environmental Impact

Can corrupt flora and fauna if spilled.

Reusability & Recycling

Can be reactivated by exposure to potent sources of death energy.


Trade & Market

Highly regulated and often illegal in many jurisdictions.


In sealed containers made of lead or blessed silver.

Law & Regulation

Typically forbidden; possession often requires special licenses or is outlawed entirely.
Very high among necromancers and dark alchemists.
Musky, with undertones of damp earth and decay.
Metallic and slightly rancid, reminiscent of blood.
Deep black with a purple hue that swirls under moonlight.
Boiling / Condensation Point
250°C / 95°C
Melting / Freezing Point
Denser than water.
Common State
Viscous liquid.

Cover image: Metallic Council Main Logo


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