Orcus Binding Stones "Demonic Gatestones" Item in World of Stendaaris | World Anvil

Orcus Binding Stones "Demonic Gatestones"

Mechanics & Inner Workings

The device allows demons from the abyssal plane to travel freely among the planes that contain these stones. Along some of the planes it has caused alot of chaos. The material plane was somewhat exempt of this until recently after Orcus's daughter used them to excape the abyssal plane.


These stones never exsisted prior to the year 2528 and are the outcome of the events that lead to the eratication of the Lich Kardun. There was a series of four events that the Vengful Misfits and some of the Talons members where part of.  

Orcus Invasion Halted

For many years conjuration wizards students from the Academy of Thorn'Adan would summon various types of fiends to battle to improve their abilities. Durring a week long event with some adventurers the students of conjuration invited them to a special event in the lower levels. Here they attempted to summon a larger demon. This demon was too big to fit through the portal. It was quickly realised that the Orcus Death Curse put on a member of the Vengful Misfits summoned Orcus. This was extremely scarey and in attempts to close the portal one of the conjuration students lost their life. The Vengful Misfits where able to close the portal and send Orcus back to the Abyssal plane.  

Self-Sacrifice of Purification and Smite of Vibian

Members of Vengful Misfits and Talons gathered at Mount Roma. There goal was to find and destroy the phylactery of the Lich Kardun in a safe and controled environment. They found out the Lich Kardun hid his phylactery in the sword that once was owned by his daughter. His grandson was now the wielder of this blade and was a member of the Vengful Misfits.   His grandson Axel Nightfall Greywing had aquired a method of purification of corruption by draining it from an item or person with the expense of life force drain on himself. In an attempt to redeem and purify his grandfather he used his ability on the Lich Kardun's phylactery. As he absorbed more and more of this corruption a member of the Talons named Garim Vaeliss slashed the phylactery with the Sword of Vibian. This had the adverse effect that also killed Axel Nightfall Greywing.  

Claiming the souls of Kardun & Axel

After the phylactery was destroyed Axel Nightfall Greywing along with the Lich Kardun's phylactery corruption arived to the plane of Limbo. A place between life and death. A loud angry voice shouted at him and said he was their to claim Axel Nightfall Greywing's soul, this was Orcus. Axel Nightfall Greywing spent from draining the Lich Kardun's phylactery corruption called forth on a blessing he received from Bahamut the Platinum dragon god. He requested help into purifing Orcus a god of undeath. In doing so he absorbed the energies of Bahamut, Orcus, and the Lich Kardun's phylactery corruption. This was to much for his spirital soul body and it exploded leaving traces of his soul and Kardun's phylactery across the planes.  

Orcus's Revenge

Orcus exploded at the time of this purification. However instead of being scattered across the planes he was sent back tot he abyssal plane to seek revenge on Axel Nightfall Greywing and Kardun. He granted the knowledge of creating a phylactery to Kardun. So, Orcus manifested his death magic and summoned all the scattered bits of the Lich Kardun's phylactery corruption in hopes to bind Axel Nightfall Greywing's soul forever in a device that would allow his demons to travel freely where ever the scattered energies laid rest. This was to be the case but at the same time he was doing this Axel Nightfall Greywing was resurected and Orcus was only able to bind the Lich Kardun's phylactery energies for demonic summoning devices.
Item type
Unique Artifact
Creation Date
These binding stones or demon gate stones tend to only show up on the material plane if demons after been summoned or transported there. Historically these stones never existed and they have recently shown up on the material plane. This means demons have been trying to hide them otherwise their presence would be known to adventurers seeking out destruction of demons. So they are uncommonly to rarely found in the material plane.

Cover image: Metallic Council Main Logo


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