Pirate Prince Theron Blackwood Character in World of Stendaaris | World Anvil

Pirate Prince Theron Blackwood

Prince Theron Blackwood, the elder child of the Pirate King and Queen, is a half-elf prodigy with a commanding presence and piercing emerald eyes. At just 8 years old, he possesses a level of charm and manipulation far beyond his age, excelling in using his talents to manipulate others to do his bidding. Theron has mastered the art of deception and thievery, forming a gang of orphanage children into a group of urchins skilled at stealing from unsuspecting townsfolk.   His heritage as the son of powerful pirate leaders from rival factions, the Dark Tide and The Crimson Corsairs, further fuels his desire for control and influence. Theron's upbringing has been marked by secrecy, as his parents' romance caused a rift between the factions, leading them to send their children to an orphanage for their safety.   Behind his innocent facade lies a cunning and resourceful mind, always devising elaborate plans and strategies to gain the upper hand. He values wealth and luxury and has a deep fear of abandonment due to the tumultuous circumstances surrounding his birth and his parents' separation.   Despite his young age, Prince Theron is driven to prove himself and uphold the legacy of his family. His keen intellect, natural charisma, and manipulative prowess make him a formidable force to be reckoned with. He aspires to one day lead The Crimson Corsairs and rebuild the Scarlet Tide's once-powerful empire.

Physical Description

Special abilities

He has natural charisma. Theron possesses an innate charm that allows him to influence and manipulate others easily. He also has a keen intellect. He has a sharp mind and is quick to devise elaborate plans and strategies.

Mental characteristics

Accomplishments & Achievements

Theron is a master manipulator, adept at using his charming demeanor to convince others to do his bidding. He has orchestrated numerous schemes, including forming a gang of orphanage children into a group of urchins to steal from people in town. He has a natural gift for acquiring valuable information and using it to his advantage, allowing him to escape trouble by cleverly diverting attention or placing blame on others.

Failures & Embarrassments

His manipulative nature has caused strained relationships with some of the other orphanage children who have fallen victim to his schemes, leaving him feeling isolated at times.

Mental Trauma

The circumstances of his parents' separation and the dangers they faced have left a mark on Theron's psyche, causing him to harbor a deep fear of abandonment.

Morality & Philosophy

Theron believes in survival of the fittest and prioritizes his own interests above all else. He sees the world as a game, where he excels in bending the rules to his advantage.

Personality Characteristics


Theron's motivation stems from his desire to gain power and control over his own destiny. He sees piracy as a means to achieve this, and he is determined to become a formidable pirate captain one day.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

He is savvy in persuasion, deception, and thievery. He is also inept in physical combat and prefers to rely on others to do the heavy lifting.

Likes & Dislikes

He enjoyes wealth, luxury, the thrill of outsmarting others. He absoultly hates being underestimated, and losing control of situations.

Virtues & Personality perks

He is charming, resourceful, and quick-witted.

Vices & Personality flaws

He is manipulative, cunning, and lacks empathy.

Personality Quirks

Twirls a strand of his black hair when deep in thought or planning.


Theron maintains a well-groomed appearance, taking care of his hair and attire.



At the time of the Crimson Isle Edict, Theron is not yet in a position of leadership. However, he aspires to take control of The Crimson Corsairs and rebuild the Scarlet Tide's legacy in the future.

Social Aptitude

Theron is skilled in navigating social situations and knows how to work a crowd to his advantage.


He is confident, charismatic, and always calculating his next move.

Hobbies & Pets

He enjoyed playing with Ember and Scorching. He enjoys reading books on strategy and tactics and practicing his sleight of hand.


Theron speaks with a smooth and persuasive tone, able to tailor his words to each individual he interacts with, leaving them enchanted and willing to do his bidding.

Wealth & Financial state

As a member of nobility and the son of powerful pirate leaders, Theron has access to considerable wealth and resources.
Current Status
In an orphanage
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Prince Theron Blackwood
Date of Birth
22nd of August, 2623
Year of Birth
2623 19 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Theron was born during a tumultuous time when the Dark Tide and The Crimson Corsairs were on the verge of separation. His birth marked a significant event in the history of the Scarlet Tide, the precursor of the two rival pirate factions.
On the Chrimson Crown
Theron often dresses in dark, regal attire adorned with golden embroidery and jewelry, a reflection of his noble status.
Emerald green, medium-sized, almond-shaped, always gleaming with a mischievous glint.
Jet-black, styled in a slightly messy and tousled manner, reaching just below his shoulders.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Fair complexion with a few faint freckles across his cheeks and nose, a trait inherited from his elven heritage.
5 feet 10 inches.
150 lb
Selûne, the goddess of the moon.
Known Languages
He speaks the common tounge, elvish, and thieves' cant.

Cover image: Metallic Council Main Logo


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