Polypine Species in World of Stendaaris | World Anvil


Basic Information


Polypines (Anurapina) can get as big as 5 feet tall if the proper swampy conditions are met. They have strong hindlegs for sprining and swimming. They have two orbital eye sockets at the top of their head, however they can rarely see from them. This is partially due to the massive amounts of super sharp quills covering the toxic skin. They also have a powerful cleft tongue used to catch their prey. They don't have teath or any real means to digest their prey oraly. There quills are hollow and excreet toxins that help disolve their prey. The quills are also used as a means to absorb the nutrients needed from its prey.

Genetics and Reproduction

These creatures typically lay eggs in spawning pools. They tend protect their eggs until they hatch. Once they hatch their parents take off. They now have all the protection they need. After they hatch they are one of the most toxic creatures and many creatures avoid eating them.

Growth Rate & Stages

Just like frogs and other amphibia they start out in a tadpole state. As they grow their tail starts to look like a frayed mess. These frayed ends of their become their first sets of quills. The earlier stages of their life after they get their first quills used to be hunted by slavers to use these creatures as whips. The quills can cause serious lacerations and the toxins cause imense pain to those struck by these creatures. Unfortantaly to these creatures if used in this manner tend to perish. If by chance one does survive they aquire a hatred for creatures similarly to the speices of the slaver.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The primary means of consumption of food is catching their prey with their cleft tongue. Then they skewer their prey on their quills. As their prey is on their quills their prey is eaten from the inside out. The quills release acidic toxins that liquify the prey so the quills can absorb all the nutriants. These quills will even melt and absorb bone. It is very common to see these creatures covered with their prey skewered at different hieghts on their quills.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Some of the uses of these creatures are for defensive or offensive measures. When slavery was seen heavily on the Continent of Renstrom slavers would use the early staged forms of these creatures as personal whips to control their slaves. The only other use seen from these creatures is if a mad man set on fortifications placed these creatures at the bottom of pit traps. Making these pit traps living spike pits. When one looks down in these pit traps they just look like regular spike pits but with a deep acidic smell.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Due to the fact their quills overtake the site their eyes provide them naturally. They are highly acceptable at being ambushed in open areas. However, if found in dense swamp forests any creature sneaking up on a Polypine could end up as its next meal. They are able to feel the slightest vibrations in water. This allows them to get the jump on any creature tring to ambush them in swampy or wetland areas.
Scientific Name
Geographic Distribution

Articles under Polypine

Cover image: Metallic Council Main Logo


Author's Notes

This monstous speices was designed by my five year old, three year old, my wife and I at the dinner table 07-27-2022. My oldest wanted me to write about a unicorn. I then told her it needs to be scary. She told me then write about a frog. My wife says what about a unicorn. I thought about it and it sounded silly to write about a unitoad. However, what if the horns where quills. Then it was what if the it was a toad and porcupine merged together. My wife suggested I call it Polypine.

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Aug 8, 2022 14:45 by Bob O'Brien

I have randomly selected this article to be one of the entries that I will be reading on my Twitch Stream as part of the August Reading Challenge. I'm scheduling to read your article on Thursday, August 11th between 9AM and 11AM EDT (1300-1500 UTC). I'd love to have you in chat if you can make it.   If you do not want me to read your article on stream, please let me know in a reply to this message before the above date/time. I'll be happy to honor your wishes.

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Laurels & Loot is a new, lightweight TTRPG rules system that hearkens back to the early days.
Aug 11, 2022 13:53 by Bob O'Brien

I see some interesting possibilities here! A camp sentry skewered onto a polypine, which then "walks" back into camp... A hunter suddenly attacked when it tries to recover the small game it just shot - small game currently being digested, but that the hunter mistook for a critter sitting in a shrub.   The Author's note story about how it got created and named is cool too. Great concept... great work!

Check out my latest efforts:
Laurels & Loot is a new, lightweight TTRPG rules system that hearkens back to the early days.
Aug 11, 2022 16:02 by DM SIr Swank99

Sorry i missed the reading i was busy at work this morning.