Scales of Liberation


The Scales of Liberation are organized in a cell structure to maintain secrecy and minimize risk. Each cell is led by one of the founders or a trusted lieutenant. Communication between cells is limited and highly encrypted to prevent infiltration.


The organization maintains many aspects of yuan-ti culture, such as strategic thinking, secrecy, and manipulation. However, their ultimate goal is the abolition of the slave trade. Members are trained in covert operations, intelligence gathering, and sabotage.

Public Agenda

To secretly dismantle the slave trade within the Jaya Dominion through subversion, sabotage, and liberation of slaves.


  • Safe houses scattered across the Whispering Sands.
  • A network of informants and sympathizers within the Dominion.
  • Secret caches of weapons and supplies.


Founded by a group of yuan-ti who, despite their upbringing, saw the inherent wrongness in the slave trade. They formed the Scales of Liberation to work from the shadows, using the very principles of their culture—manipulation, secrecy, and strategy—to undermine the practice of slavery.


The organization operates under constant threat of discovery and eradication by the yuan-ti leadership. If exposed, the members would likely be executed or forced into hiding indefinitely.

Mythology & Lore

The Liberators believe in an ancient yuan-ti prophecy that foretells the rise of a serpent who will free their kind from their own oppressive practices. This prophecy guides their actions and gives them hope for a future without slavery.

Divine Origins

The organization was formed in response to the brutal treatment of slaves and a growing moral dissonance among certain yuan-ti who saw freedom as a right for all sentient beings, including slaves.

Cosmological Views

The Scales of Liberation view the world as a place where true power comes from liberating the oppressed rather than subjugating them. They believe that the serpent gods will ultimately favor those who seek justice and freedom.

Tenets of Faith

The Scales of Liberation follow Zehir, the Cloaked Serpent, a lesser-known deity among the yuan-ti pantheon. Zehir is the god of darkness, poison, and assassins, but also of cunning, secrets, and liberation from oppression. His dual nature makes him the perfect deity for an organization dedicated to subverting the yuan-ti slave trade from within.  
  • Subvert oppression from within.
  • Protect the weak and enslaved.
  • Use cunning and strategy to achieve liberation.
  • Maintain secrecy and avoid direct confrontation unless necessary.
  • Honor the prophecy of the liberating serpent.


Members are expected to uphold principles of secrecy, strategic thinking, and subversion. They must also show compassion towards slaves and other oppressed individuals, striving to protect and free them.


Worship is conducted in secret, with rituals focused on the prophecy and the liberation of the oppressed. These rituals often involve symbols of freedom and covert meetings in hidden sanctuaries.


The leadership consists of the founders who act as spiritual and tactical leaders. They conduct secret rituals to inspire and unite their followers, drawing strength from their belief in the prophecy.

Granted Divine Powers

The founders are believed to be blessed with subtle divine powers that aid in their missions, such as enhanced stealth, manipulation abilities, and minor healing.

Political Influence & Intrigue

The Scales of Liberation operate in the shadows, using espionage and strategic manipulation to influence key figures and destabilize the slave trade from within. They have sympathizers even within the higher echelons of the yuan-ti society.


There are no formal sects within the Scales of Liberation, but different cells may have slightly different approaches and methods based on their leaders' preferences and experiences. Each cell operates independently but with the common goal of ending slavery.

"Freedom through Subversion"

Religious, Cult
Alternative Names
The Free Scales, Serpent’s Shadow

Cover image: Metallic Council Main Logo


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