
Basic Information


The Silvotimico possesses a sleek, elongated body akin to an otter, allowing it to swim with remarkable grace. It features dense, water-repellent fur that is predominantly silver-grey, offering excellent camouflage in both aquatic and forest environments. Its limbs are robust and agile, equipped with webbed feet for efficient swimming and clawed toes for climbing. The face combines the playful expression of an otter and the sharp features of a fox, with large, expressive eyes and small, rounded ears similar to a Callimico. The tail is long and bushy, aiding in balance during arboreal movements.

Biological Traits

The Silvotimico exhibits unique biological traits such as adaptive intelligence, camouflage ability, and dual habitat mastery. Their fur can alter its shade slightly to blend with different environments, providing effective camouflage. They are equally adept at swimming and climbing, thanks to their hybrid heritage, making them versatile survivors in diverse ecosystems. These traits are complemented by their strong sensory capabilities and agile physique, which enhance their adaptability and efficiency in hunting and avoiding predators.

Genetics and Reproduction

The Silvotimico is a hybrid species, intentionally bred from an otter, Silver Fox, and Callimico. The hybridization process involved selecting the most desirable traits from each species, resulting in a unique genetic makeup. Silvotimicos reproduce sexually, with a gestation period of about 60 days. Females give birth to litters of 2-4 offspring, which are cared for in nests built in trees near water sources. The genetic diversity from its parent species contributes to the Silvotimico’s adaptability and resilience in varied environments.

Growth Rate & Stages

Silvotimicos grow rapidly in their first year, reaching about half their adult size within six months. The initial growth stage is characterized by rapid development of their swimming and climbing abilities. By the end of the first year, they attain near adult size and start learning survival skills from adult group members. Full maturity is reached by two years of age, at which point they are fully capable of hunting and breeding. The stages of growth include infancy (0-6 months), juvenile (6-12 months), and adolescent (1-2 years), followed by full adulthood.

Ecology and Habitats

Silvotimicos thrive in riverine forests and jungle areas, making use of their dual abilities to swim and climb. They prefer environments where trees and water sources are abundant, allowing them to build nests and hunt efficiently. These habitats provide ample food resources and shelter, crucial for their survival and social structures. Their presence often indicates healthy ecosystems, as they play a role in controlling fish and small mammal populations, and dispersing seeds through their fruit-eating habits.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The Silvotimico is omnivorous, with a diet comprising fish, small mammals, fruits, and insects. They exhibit skilled hunting techniques, using their dexterous front paws to catch fish and peel fruit. Their dietary flexibility allows them to adapt to seasonal changes in food availability, making them resilient to environmental fluctuations. They often hunt and forage in the early morning and late afternoon, taking advantage of cooler temperatures and increased prey activity during these times.

Biological Cycle

The creation of the Silvotimico involved a meticulous hybridization process. Arcane practitioners combined the genetic material of an otter, Silver Fox, and Callimico through advanced reproductive technologies and magical interventions. This process started with selective breeding, aiming to combine the aquatic abilities of the otter, the camouflage and intelligence of the fox, and the arboreal skills of the Callimico. Over several generations, traits were stabilized to produce a species that embodies the best qualities of each parent. The biological cycle includes periods of heightened activity during mating seasons, usually aligned with the availability of food resources, ensuring offspring are born in favorable conditions.


Silvotimicos are highly social creatures, living in small family groups that communicate through vocalizations, body language, and facial expressions. Their behavior is characterized by curiosity and playfulness, often seen exploring their surroundings and engaging in social interactions. This species displays advanced problem-solving skills and can use simple tools, indicative of high intelligence. Their social structure and behaviors are crucial for group cohesion and survival, as they rely on cooperative hunting and shared responsibilities in raising offspring.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Silvotimicos live in small family groups, typically consisting of parents and their offspring. These groups are highly social and cooperative, engaging in mutual grooming, play, and shared responsibilities in hunting and raising young. Their social structure is vital for survival, as it provides protection and improves hunting efficiency.


While Silvotimicos have not been widely domesticated, their high intelligence and social nature suggest potential for domestication under controlled conditions. However, their need for diverse and stimulating environments, combined with their specific dietary and behavioral needs, makes them challenging to keep in captivity.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Due to their unique traits and appealing appearance, Silvotimicos have been studied extensively for insights into hybrid species and animal intelligence. They are sometimes exploited for their fur, although such practices are discouraged to prevent population decline. Conservation efforts focus on preserving their natural habitats and promoting ethical treatment.

Facial characteristics

The Silvotimico’s face features a combination of the otter’s playful expression and the fox’s sharp features, with large, expressive eyes that convey curiosity and intelligence. Their small, rounded ears and sensitive whiskers add to their endearing and alert appearance.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Silvotimicos are primarily found in riverine forests and jungle areas of Central and South America, where their unique hybrid traits allow them to thrive in both aquatic and arboreal environments. They are particularly concentrated in regions with abundant water sources and dense forest cover.

Average Intelligence

Silvotimicos exhibit high levels of intelligence, comparable to that of primates and dolphins. They demonstrate advanced problem-solving skills, tool use, and complex social behaviors, making them one of the most intelligent species in their ecosystem.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Silvotimicos possess highly developed senses that aid in their survival. Their large, expressive eyes offer excellent vision, particularly adapted for low-light conditions, helping them navigate through dense forests and murky waters. Their keen sense of smell allows them to detect food and predators from a distance. Additionally, their whiskers are sensitive to vibrations in the water, enabling them to detect movement and locate prey underwater. This combination of sensory abilities makes them adept hunters and vigilant creatures in their environment.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Silvotimicos maintain symbiotic relationships with certain bird species that help them by alerting them to dangers and sharing food sources. They also face parasitic threats from ticks and fleas, which they manage through grooming behaviors and occasional visits to water sources to cleanse their fur.

Civilization and Culture


The Silvotimico was created through an intentional hybridization program carried out by arcane practitioners. This effort aimed to combine the best traits of an otter, Silver Fox, and Callimico to produce a species that could thrive in diverse habitats, showcasing both aquatic and arboreal mastery. Since their creation, Silvotimicos have become a subject of interest in both scientific research and conservation efforts, highlighting the potential and challenges of hybrid species in the wild.
Scientific Name
Silvotimico hybridis
The average lifespan of a Silvotimico in the wild is around 12-15 years. In captivity, with access to medical care and a stable food supply, they can live up to 18-20 years.
Average Height
The average height of a Silvotimico at the shoulder is about 1.5 feet.
Average Weight
The average weight of a fully grown Silvotimico ranges from 20 to 30 pounds, depending on their diet and health.
Average Length
The average length of a Silvotimico, excluding the tail, is about 3 feet. The tail itself can add an additional 1.5 feet, making the total length approximately 4.5 feet.
Average Physique
The Silvotimico has a streamlined, muscular physique designed for agility and strength. Their build allows them to excel in both swimming and climbing, making them versatile hunters and foragers. Their physique is a blend of the otter’s sleek body, the fox’s agility, and the Callimico’s climbing prowess.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Their dense, water-repellent fur is predominantly silver-grey with a subtle sheen that reflects light, providing excellent camouflage. This coloration can slightly change to blend with their environment, offering additional protection from predators. They may also have darker markings on their face and limbs, enhancing their ability to remain inconspicuous.

Cover image: Silvotimico by Dall-E


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