Squamata Nomads

There are four main tribes of the group known as the Squamata Nomads. Each tribe is based on shamanistic rituals based on their preferred element of choice. They also tend ot raise different types of dinosaurs based on their element. Each tribe is known to travel and live on ginormous tortoise. The largest of which is the chieftains, and the chieftain uses this as the main headquarters of the tribe. The four main elements that are focused on by the tribes are the primal earth, fire, ice, and storm. The unique thing of these tribes has a shaman that focuses on any ritual that tends to shape itself into the mystical symbol for the magic god mystra. Each shaman call forth their belief in the Mystical Earthen Mother, Mystical Flame Mother, Mystical Frozen Mother, and Mystical Tempest Mother. The various tribal chieftains believe their tribal line and power stem from one of the four aspects of their Mystical Mother. They also think the 5th lost tribe was that of the Mystical Prime Mother and that tribe is the one that set things in motion to seal the great evil away within the Forn'Andigos Mountains.  

Naming Traditions

The naming traditions in the various tribes of the Squamata Nomads tend to gravitate towards single-word names. There is no family name, and the name chosen is something that is bestowed upon the newborn by the chieftain of the tribe. If the chieftain does give the newborn multiple names. The newborn is to be trained as a Shaman and potentially will be raised to become an elite member of the tribe. They could also become chieftains someday.


Beauty Ideals

The various tribes tend to have their own unique ways of beauty. However, one of the most common thing that occurs between the various tribes are the tatoos they wear. Every cheiftian has a tatoo that is an emblem of their tribe but it looks like a symbol of mystra if connected.

Major organizations

The Mythical Mother Tribes are a group of ancient tribes that are deeply connected to the elemental forces of nature. Each tribe has its own unique culture, beliefs, and practices that are centered around the worship of their respective elemental deity. The five tribes are the Mythical Prime Mother, Flame, Tempest, Frozen, and Earthen.

Mythical Prime Mother Tribe is a mysterious and revered tribe that is believed to have vanquished the greatest evil of all time deep within the Forn'Andigos Mountains. It is rumored that this tribe was once the unification of all the other Mythical Mother Tribes and had a deep understanding of all types of elemental magic, including the arcane. However, after defeating the great evil, the tribe disappeared and lost all connection to the Mystical Prime Mother. They are rumored to have sacrificed themselves to help others obtain peace and hold them with respect, but they no longer have a connection to the Mythical Prime Mother. It is also believed that the residents of the Kingdom of Kragos were once members of this tribe, but have since lost their connection to their ancestral roots.

Mythical Flame Mother Tribe lives in the Taunt Wadi and worship the goddess of fire, who they believe brings warmth and light to their homes. They have a deep connection to flames and use them for cooking, lighting, and warmth. The tribe is also skilled in the art of metallurgy and blacksmithing, creating weapons and armor with the heat of their fires. They are known for their fierce warriors.

Mythical Tempest Mother Tribe is a seafaring tribe that worships the goddess of the sea and the storms. They are skilled sailors and navigate the treacherous waters of the Tauntail continent with ease. They have a deep respect for the power of the sea and use it to their advantage, harnessing the winds to propel their ships forward and calling forth lightning strikes to strike their enemies. They are known for their powerful stormcallers, who can control the weather with their magic.

Mythical Frozen Mother Tribe is a group of people who live in the frozen tundras of the north and worship the goddess of ice and snow. They have a deep understanding of survival in harsh, cold environments and use the ice to their advantage, creating ice weapons and armor. They are skilled hunters and trappers, using their knowledge of the land to track and hunt animals for food and fur. They are also known for their powerful ice mages, who can freeze their enemies in place with their magic.

Mythical Earthen Mother Tribe is a group of people who live in the Squamata Lowlands and worship the goddess of the earth. They have a deep connection to the land and use it to their advantage, harnessing the power of the earth to create strong buildings and defenses. They have a strong bond with the creatures of the earth, using giant walking tortoises to hold their homes and taming tyrannosaurs to patrol their lands and protect their cattle from the Annihilator Worm. They are also known for being the only tribe to ever take down an Annihilator Worm, a feat which they accomplished by luring it onto solid rock surfaces and using their earth magic to defeat it.

In conclusion, the Mythical Mother Tribes are a diverse group of ancient tribes that have a deep connection to the elemental forces of nature. Each tribe has its own unique culture, beliefs, and practices that are centered around the worship of their respective elemental deity. They are skilled in their respective areas of expertise and use their elemental magic to their advantage, creating powerful weapons, armor, and defenses. Though each tribe is unique, they all share a deep respect for the power of nature and the importance of maintaining balance with the elements.

Cover image: Metallic Council Main Logo


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