Tempumir Vinton

The Ageless Shadow Tempumir Vinton

Divine Domains

Time, Fate, Ancestral Spirits


The Chronomancer's Scepter, an artifact of immense temporal power.

Holy Books & Codes

The Codex of Eternity, a tome containing ancient knowledge of time magic and ancestral rituals.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

by Dall-E
A clock with shattered hands, encircled by a serpent eating its own tail.

Tenets of Faith

  • Respect the flow of time and do not seek to alter it.
  • Honor your ancestors, for they shape your destiny.
  • Embrace the inevitability of change and chaos.


The Day of Shadows, a somber celebration marking the anniversary of Vincent "Vinton" Tonga's death and Tempumir's birth. It is a day of reflection and reverence for the power of time and the ancestors.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

To maintain the balance of time and punish those who disrupt it. To expand his influence over the temporal realm and impose his will upon all who defy him.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Tempumir's physical form is slender and ethereal, appearing almost ghostly. Despite his otherworldly appearance, he exudes a menacing aura that commands fear and respect.

Body Features

His ashen gray skin is adorned with faint, glowing silver veins that pulse with temporal energy. His long, jet-black hair with silver streaks flows as if moved by an invisible wind.

Facial Features

Tempumir's face is gaunt and haunting, with deep, swirling black eyes that convey both wisdom and malevolence. His unblinking gaze pierces through time and space.

Identifying Characteristics

The glowing silver veins on his skin and his wide, unblinking eyes are his most distinctive features. These, combined with his spectral hair, make him unmistakable.

Physical quirks

Tempumir moves fluidly, almost as if he is slightly out of sync with the present timeline. His presence distorts the air around him, creating a subtle ripple effect.

Special abilities

Tempumir can manipulate time, create temporal anomalies, and summon ancestral spirits to aid him in battle. His presence alone can cause temporal distortions.

Apparel & Accessories

He wears robes woven from temporal threads, shifting in color and texture depending on the time of day and his mood. These robes grant him an ethereal, almost regal appearance.

Specialized Equipment

Tempumir wields a staff known as the Chronomancer's Scepter, an artifact capable of manipulating time and space. This staff amplifies his already formidable powers.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born from the death of Vincent "Vinton" Tonga, Tempumir Vinton emerged in the year 2574 following the catastrophic Temporal Calamity. Vincent’s research into temporal anomalies led to his demise and the creation of clones to explore the fabric of time. These clones, corrupted by time madness, fused into the malevolent entity known as Tempumir Vinton. Tempumir embodies the chaos of disrupted timelines and the wrath of vengeful ancestral spirits, becoming a harbinger of temporal doom.

Gender Identity

Tempumir Vinton identifies as male, reflecting the gender of Vincent "Vinton" Tonga, but his existence as an amalgamation of clones and spirits transcends traditional gender norms, embodying a more fluid and ancient essence.


As a malevolent entity born from temporal chaos, Tempumir's sexuality is undefined. His existence is driven by the pursuit of power and vengeance, rendering human concepts of sexuality irrelevant.


Vincent "Vinton" Tonga's extensive research into temporal anomalies forms the foundation of Tempumir's knowledge. His education is rooted in ancient tomes, forbidden knowledge, and the fragmented memories of his predecessors.


Tempumir's "employment" is his relentless pursuit of unraveling the fabric of time. He acts as a guardian of temporal chaos, ensuring that those who tamper with time face dire consequences.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Tempumir's greatest achievement is his creation, an embodiment of temporal power and malevolent ancestral spirits. His presence alone distorts the flow of time, and his mastery over temporal anomalies is unmatched.

Failures & Embarrassments

The initial failure of Vincent "Vinton" Tonga to control his time madness and the subsequent fusion of his clones into Tempumir is both a failure and an origin of immense power. This transformation is a testament to the dangers of meddling with time.

Mental Trauma

Tempumir's mind is a fractured amalgamation of Vincent's clones, each plagued by the madness of temporal dissonance. This eternal conflict within his psyche drives his malevolence and fuels his desire for vengeance.

Intellectual Characteristics

Tempumir possesses a vast and fragmented intellect, blending the analytical mind of Vincent with the chaotic knowledge of ancestral spirits. He understands the intricacies of time and uses this to manipulate events to his advantage.

Morality & Philosophy

Tempumir's philosophy revolves around the inevitability of time and the futility of resisting its flow. He believes in the inherent chaos of existence and seeks to impose his will upon those who defy it.


Tempumir abhors the notion of altering time without consequence. Those who attempt to rewrite history or manipulate temporal events are his primary targets, and he exacts severe punishment upon them.

Personality Characteristics


His primary motivation is to maintain the balance of time and to punish those who dare to disrupt it. He seeks to impose his will upon the temporal realm and exact vengeance on those who wronged his progenitor, Vincent.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Tempumir is exceptionally skilled in time magic and understanding temporal anomalies. However, his fragmented psyche can make him unpredictable and prone to fits of madness.

Likes & Dislikes

He enjoys the silence and stillness of timeless spaces and despises those who seek to alter the natural flow of time for personal gain.

Virtues & Personality perks

Tempumir possesses unparalleled wisdom and insight into the nature of time. His command over temporal magic makes him a formidable opponent.

Vices & Personality flaws

His fractured mind and insatiable desire for vengeance can lead to irrational decisions. His malevolence often blinds him to the consequences of his actions.

Personality Quirks

Tempumir frequently mutters to himself in ancient tongues, reliving fragmented memories of his predecessors. He also has a habit of pausing mid-sentence, as if listening to distant echoes of time.


His ethereal nature means he does not concern himself with physical hygiene, though he always appears immaculate and otherworldly.

Representation & Legacy

Tempumir is both feared and respected as a guardian of time. His legacy is one of dread and power, a cautionary tale of the dangers of tampering with temporal forces.



As an entity beyond time, Tempumir's reign is eternal, unbound by the constraints of mortal lifespans.

Contacts & Relations

Tempumir maintains a network of loyal followers who worship him as a deity of time. He has connections with other malevolent entities and ancestral spirits.

Family Ties

Tempumir's only familial connection is to his progenitor, Vincent "Vinton" Tonga. The memories of his clones form a fragmented yet powerful bond.

Religious Views

He views himself as a divine force of nature, beyond the comprehension of mortals. He demands reverence and fear from those who seek his favor.

Social Aptitude

Tempumir is a master manipulator, able to bend others to his will through intimidation and promises of power. His social interactions are often laced with hidden threats.


He often speaks in a calm, measured tone, with a hint of menace. His movements are deliberate and fluid, exuding an aura of timeless power.

Hobbies & Pets

Tempumir has no pets, but he occasionally communes with spectral entities and ancestral spirits. His primary hobby is the study of temporal anomalies and the manipulation of time.


His voice is deep and resonant, carrying the weight of countless eons. He speaks slowly and deliberately, with a hint of an ancient accent.

Wealth & Financial state

His wealth is immaterial, consisting of ancient knowledge and temporal artifacts rather than physical riches.
He exists outside the conventional flow of time, making his true age indeterminable
Date of Birth
7th of Burnally, 2574
Circumstances of Birth
Tempumir Vinton was "born" from the death of Vincent "Vinton" Tonga. After Vincent succumbed to time madness, his clones and copies, created to explore the temporal anomalies, fused into a single, malevolent entity.
Tempumir Vinton presents himself with a commanding yet otherworldly aura. His movements are fluid and almost unnatural, as if he is slightly out of sync with the current timeline.
Deep, swirling black. Slightly larger than average. Almond-shaped. Wide and unblinking.
Jet black with silver streaks. Long, reaching the lower back. Generally loose with shifting patterns. Silky and fine, with a spectral quality.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Ashen gray with faint, glowing silver veins. Smooth and cold to the touch. Scattered darker gray patches, resembling cracks.
160 lb giving a slender, almost ethereal appearanc
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Time waits for no one, and neither do I."

"Your past mistakes will haunt you through eternity."

"You cannot escape the shadow of your ancestors."
Known Languages
Tempumir speaks Common, Gnomish, and several ancient languages related to time magic and ancestral rituals. His fragmented nature allows him to understand the dialects of various cultures.
Character Prototype
Tempumir Vinton is inspired by mythological figures like Chronos and the Grim Reaper, combined with elements of malevolent spirits from various cultures.

Cover image: Metallic Council Main Logo
Character Portrait image: by Dall-E


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