The Banshee

The Banshee - Fluyt - Captain Kieran "The Banshee" O'Shea
  The Banshee is a sleek and fast ship, with a long, narrow hull and three tall masts. Its black sails are adorned with silver embroidery, and its polished woodwork gleams in the sun. The ship's figurehead is a fearsome-looking banshee, with flowing hair and a mouth open in a silent scream.   The Banshee is often called "The Silent Lady" by those who fear her. It is said that her ghostly wail can be heard on the wind just before the ship descends upon its prey.

Weapons & Armament

8 Medium Ballistae (range 1200 feet, 3d10 piercing damage, reload 1 minute) 12 Light Ballistae (range 600 feet, 3d6 piercing damage, reload 1 round) 4 Swivel Guns (range 150 feet, 2d8 piercing damage, reload 1 round) 4 Harpoon Launchers (range 300 feet, 4d6 piercing damage, reload 1 round)

Armor and defense

Hull AC: 15 (wood) Hit Points: 400 Damage Threshold: 20 Speed AC: 18 Sails AC: 14 (canvas) Sails Hit Points: 300 Sails Damage Threshold: 15 Maneuverability: average 2 Mage Shields (+5 AC, lasts for 1 minute, recharge 1 hour)

Additional & auxiliary systems

Smuggler's Compartments (1d4 compartments, each can hold up to 500 lbs of cargo) Mage Wind Catchers (allow the ship to move without wind, lasts for 1 hour, recharge 1 day) Smokepots (can be used to create a 20-foot radius of smoke that obscures vision, lasts for 1 minute, 4 uses) Magefire (can be used to ignite flammable objects or creatures, range 120 feet, 3d6 fire damage, 4 uses)
The Silent Lady
Silent but Deadly
Owning Organization
Military Formation Usage
200,000 gold pieces
25 ft.
120 ft.
90 ft.
500 tons
60 ft
Complement / Crew
Cargo & Passenger Capacity
500 tons and 50 passengers

Cover image: Metallic Council Main Logo


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