The Black Pearl

The Black Pearl - Frigate - Captain Sabine "The Tempest" Storm
The Black Pearl is a sleek and deadly frigate, painted entirely black and adorned with silver trimmings. The ship is known for its speed and maneuverability, making it a difficult target for enemy ships to catch. The deck is spacious and well-maintained, with several hidden compartments for storing weapons and supplies. The ship's bow is adorned with a fearsome figurehead of a tempestuous storm, embodying the ship's power and agility.   The Black Pearl is often referred to as "The Shadow's Blade," due to its deadly speed and precision in battle.

Weapons & Armament

12 Heavy Ballistae (range 480 ft, damage 3d10, loading, ammunition 1) 6 Medium Cannons (range 600/2400 ft, damage 8d6, loading, ammunition 1)

Armor and defense

AC 18 (base 13 + Dex modifier + shield) 2,500 HP Damage Threshold 25 Immune to Poison and Psychic Damage

Additional & auxiliary systems

Magical Stealth System - The Black Pearl can become invisible at will, allowing for easy escapes or ambushes. Magical Hull Reinforcement - The ship is reinforced with magic, providing resistance to non-magical bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage.

Hangars & docked vessels

The Black Pearl has a small rowboat for quick getaways or reconnaissance missions.
The Shadow's Blade
Strike from the shadows, strike true.
Owning Organization
Military Formation Usage
250,000 gold pieces
30 ft
120 ft
80 ft
200 tons
60 ft
Complement / Crew
50 crew
Cargo & Passenger Capacity
200 tons / 100 passengers

Cover image: Metallic Council Main Logo


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