The Crimson Raider

The Crimson Raider - Sloop - Captain Lila "The Crimson" Lee   The Crimson Raider is a sleek and swift sloop that is ideal for quick attacks and speedy getaways. It is painted in a deep red color with black accents, and its sails are emblazoned with the symbol of the Hammer Division of the Dark Tide.

Weapons & Armament

The Crimson Raider is equipped with a ballista and a pair of swivel guns on the deck. Its crew is also skilled in hand-to-hand combat and the use of small arms, such as pistols and cutlasses. The ballista deals 4d10 piercing damage and has a range of 120/480 feet. The swivel guns deal 2d8 piercing damage and have a range of 80/320 feet.

Armor and defense

The Crimson Raider is protected by reinforced wooden planks and has a total of 400 hit points. Its armor class is 16.

Additional & auxiliary systems

The Crimson Raider has a secret compartment that can be used to hide small items, such as stolen treasure or contraband.
The Bloodstreak
The sea runs red with the blood of our enemies
Owning Organization
Military Formation Usage
50,000 gold pieces
20 ft
70 ft
30 ft
60 tons
60 ft
Complement / Crew
20 crew
Cargo & Passenger Capacity
30 tons / 10 passengers

Cover image: Metallic Council Main Logo


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