The Dawnbringers


The Dawnbringers are structured as a tight-knit, hierarchical organization with a clear chain of command. At the top is the High Luminary, Elara Thorne, who oversees all operations and strategic planning. Below her are the Circle of Light, a council of senior members responsible for different aspects of the organization's mission, including intelligence, operations, recruitment, and healing. Field operatives, known as Luminators, carry out covert missions to infiltrate blood mage circles and sabotage their activities. Recruits, often victims or former blood mages seeking redemption, undergo rigorous training and are mentored by experienced Luminators.


The culture of the Dawnbringers is one of strict discipline, unwavering dedication, and a deep sense of camaraderie. Members are bound by a solemn oath to fight against the corruption of blood magic and to protect the innocent. They value purity, sacrifice, and the restoration of moral integrity above all else. The organization fosters a supportive environment where members help each other heal from past traumas and work towards a common goal. Rituals of purification and renewal are regularly performed to strengthen their resolve and unity.

Public Agenda

Publicly, the Dawnbringers maintain a low profile to avoid drawing attention from blood mages and their allies. However, their agenda is clear: to eradicate the practice of blood magic and dismantle the power structures that support it. They aim to expose the horrors and moral decay associated with blood magic, raise awareness among the general populace, and offer sanctuary and support to victims and defectors. They also seek to influence political and social leaders to enact laws and policies that prohibit blood magic and punish its practitioners.


The Dawnbringers possess a range of assets to support their mission. These include safe houses scattered throughout Twinmask and beyond, stocked with supplies and medical equipment for treating survivors. They have access to arcane artifacts and knowledge acquired from former blood mages, which they use to combat blood magic. Financially, they are supported by donations from sympathetic benefactors and former victims who have regained their fortunes. They also maintain a network of informants and spies who provide intelligence on blood mage activities.


The Dawnbringers were founded by a group of survivors and former blood mages who had witnessed the true horrors of the Rite of Crimson Shadows. Elara Thorne, a former blood mage who had lost her family to the practice, emerged as a natural leader, rallying others to her cause. The early days were fraught with danger, as they had to operate in secrecy to avoid retribution. Over time, the organization grew in numbers and sophistication, developing effective strategies for infiltrating and disrupting blood mage circles. Their successes earned them a reputation as a formidable force against blood magic.


While the Dawnbringers have not been disbanded, they face constant threats from powerful blood mages and their allies who seek to destroy them. Internal conflicts and the relentless pressure of their mission have occasionally brought them to the brink of dissolution. However, the unwavering commitment of their members and the leadership of Elara Thorne have kept the organization intact. The possibility of disbandment remains a looming threat, should they ever be overwhelmed by their enemies or fail to maintain their covert operations.

"In Light, We Restore."

Secret, Occult
Alternative Names
The Lightbearers ,The Purifiers, and The Sanctifiers
Leader Title

Cover image: Metallic Council Main Logo


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