The Destruction and Rebirth of Stendaaris


The myth of "The Destruction and Rebirth of Stendaaris" tells the tale of the Stendaaris Dragon Egg hatching, which signals the destruction of the world of Stendaaris. The dragon's birth is prophesied to bring about a cataclysmic event that will lead to the world's end, but from its ashes, a new world will be born along with a new egg imbeded into the core, safeguarded by the newly hatched dragon.

Historical Basis

Ancient texts and oracles from various cultures within the Mirador system reference a powerful prophecy foretelling the birth of the Stendaaris Dragon and the subsequent destruction and rebirth of Stendaaris. These prophecies have been passed down through generations, adding to the myth's weight and significance.


The myth spread through oral traditions, religious teachings, and epic tales recited by bards. Over time, the story evolved, with different regions adding their interpretations and embellishments. Some versions of the myth include additional details about the other celestial dragons and their roles in the cosmic balance.

Variations & Mutation

Variations of the myth exist across different cultures in the Mirador system. In some versions, the other celestial dragons play a role in trying to prevent the destruction, while in others, they assist in the rebirth process. Some tales emphasize the destruction as a cleansing force, while others focus on the rebirth and the new world's promise.

Cultural Reception

The myth of "The Destruction and Rebirth of Stendaaris" holds a prominent place in the cultural consciousness of the inhabitants of the Mirador system. It is seen as a reminder of the delicate balance between creation and destruction and the cyclical nature of life. Festivals and rituals are held to honor the prophecy and seek the favor of the celestial dragons.

In Literature

The myth is a recurring theme in literature across the Mirador system. Epic poems, dramatic plays, and philosophical texts explore the themes of destruction, rebirth, and cosmic balance. The prophecy of the Stendaaris Dragon's hatching serves as a backdrop for stories of heroism, sacrifice, and renewal.

In Art

Artistic representations of the myth are abundant, depicting the dramatic moment of the Stendaaris Dragon Egg hatching and the ensuing destruction. Paintings, sculptures, and tapestries capture the awe-inspiring power of the dragon and the rebirth of the world. These artworks serve as visual reminders of the myth's profound impact on the cultural and spiritual life of the Mirador system.

Cover image: The Destruction and Rebirth of Stendaaris by Dall-E


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