The Ironclad

The Ironclad - Galleon - Captain Victor "The Hammer" Hernandez   The Ironclad is a massive galleon with a heavily armored hull and towering masts. Its deck is crowded with cannons and gun ports, giving it immense firepower in battle. The ship's figurehead is a snarling iron wolf, a symbol of the Hammer Division's strength and ferocity.

Weapons & Armament

The Ironclad is outfitted with a battery of cannons on its upper and lower decks. It has 50 cannons in total, with 25 on each side of the ship. These cannons deal 8d10 points of damage and have a range of 1,000 feet. The ship also has a ramming prow, which deals 10d10 points of damage when the ship rams into another vessel.

Armor and defense

The Ironclad's hull is reinforced with iron plating, giving it an armor class of 20. The ship also has a magical force field that provides an additional 10 points of armor class.

Additional & auxiliary systems

The Ironclad has a magical propulsion system that allows it to move at incredible speeds. It can also dive underwater for short periods of time, allowing it to evade enemy ships or launch surprise attacks.

Hangars & docked vessels

The Ironclad has a small dock on the stern of the ship that can hold up to two smaller vessels, such as rowboats or dinghies.
"The Hammer's Anvil"
"We break our enemies upon the anvil of the Hammer"
Owning Organization
Military Formation Usage
1,000,000 gp
20 ft
80 ft
30 ft
2,500 tons
40 ft
Complement / Crew
300 sailors 100 soldiers
Cargo & Passenger Capacity
500 tons / 50 passengers

Cover image: Metallic Council Main Logo


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