The Kraken's Fury

The Kraken's Fury - Barque - Captain Felix "The Claw" Jones
  The Kraken's Fury is a sleek and fast Barque with black sails and a hull painted in dark blue and black, giving it a menacing appearance. The ship is outfitted with several harpoons and grappling hooks, as well as two ballistae and several cannons.

Weapons & Armament

The Kraken's Fury is armed with two ballistae, several cannons, and multiple harpoons and grappling hooks. The ballistae deal 4d10 piercing damage and have a +8 to hit. The cannons deal 6d10 damage and have a +10 to hit. The harpoons deal 2d10 piercing damage and have a +6 to hit. The grappling hooks can be used to board enemy ships and have a range of 30 feet.

Armor and defense

The Kraken's Fury has a hull made of thick oak and iron plating, giving it an Armor Class of 18 and 300 hit points.

Additional & auxiliary systems

The Kraken's Fury is equipped with a ballast system that allows the ship to adjust its buoyancy and dive underwater for short periods of time. It also has a reinforced prow that can be used to ram enemy vessels.
The Claw's Barque
"Unleash the Fury of the Kraken!"
Owning Organization
Military Formation Usage
75,000 gp
75 ft
25 ft
50 tons
120 ft
Complement / Crew
20-30 crew
Cargo & Passenger Capacity
100 tons / 50 passengers

Cover image: Metallic Council Main Logo


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