The Nightingale

The Nightingale - Xebec - Captain Rowan "The Nightingale" Greene   The Nightingale is a sleek and agile xebec with three masts and a slender hull designed for speed and maneuverability. It has a dark wood finish with black and silver accents, giving it an intimidating yet elegant appearance. The ship's figurehead is a beautiful carving of a nightingale in flight, adding to its allure.

Weapons & Armament

The Nightingale is equipped with six medium-sized ballistae on the main deck, two on the aft deck, and two on the foredeck. It also has six swivel guns on the quarterdeck and forecastle. The ballistae deal 3d10 piercing damage on a hit and have a +7 to hit. The swivel guns deal 2d8 piercing damage on a hit and have a +5 to hit.

Armor and defense

The Nightingale is armored with reinforced wood planks and metal plates, providing an armor class of 18 and a hit points total of 500.

Additional & auxiliary systems

The Nightingale is equipped with a state-of-the-art navigational system, allowing it to sail through the darkest of nights and the heaviest of fogs. It also has a magical shield generator that can create a protective barrier around the ship, providing resistance to all damage types for one minute.
The Shadow Xebec
"Silent as the night, deadly as the blade."
Owning Organization
Military Formation Usage
250,000 gp
20 ft
100 ft
80 ft
300 tons
90 feet per round (or 10 miles per hour) in favorable winds and currents, and can maintain a speed of 60 feet per round (or 7 miles per hour) in less favorable conditions.
Complement / Crew
50 crew
Cargo & Passenger Capacity
100 tons 20 passengers

Cover image: Metallic Council Main Logo


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