The Rite of Crimson Shadows


The Rite of Crimson Shadows dates back centuries, originating in the settlement of Twinmask. Twinmask was established by those who had been exiled from the more prosperous regions of Stendaaris for their unconventional beliefs and practices. Over time, it became a haven for those who practiced blood magic, a forbidden art shunned by the rest of the world. The rite was initially developed as a means for the outcasts to empower themselves and gain influence, hoping to reclaim some semblance of control and respect. As Twinmask grew, so did the prevalence of the Rite of Crimson Shadows, embedding itself into the very fabric of the settlement’s culture.


The execution of the Rite of Crimson Shadows is both a spectacle and a closely guarded secret. Under the cover of night, blood mages gather in hidden sanctuaries deep within the labyrinthine alleys of Twinmask. The rite begins with the drawing of intricate sigils using the caster's own blood, forming a summoning circle. The chosen victim, often a captured outsider or a dissenter from within Twinmask, is brought to the center of the circle. Chanting ancient incantations, the mages drain the life force from the victim, channeling the energy into themselves. The air thickens with a palpable, malevolent energy as the ritual reaches its climax, with the mages absorbing the victim's vitality to bolster their own magical abilities.

Components and tools

The rite requires several key components and tools. The primary component is fresh blood, which serves as the medium for drawing the sigils. The blood must be from a living being to maintain its potency. Tools include ceremonial daggers, used both for drawing blood and for the actual sacrifice. Specially prepared candles infused with rare herbs are placed around the sigil to amplify the ritual's power. Additionally, an ancient tome containing the incantations and rituals, passed down through generations, is an essential element. The pages of this tome are said to be bound in the skin of past victims, adding a gruesome authenticity to the rite.


The participants of the Rite of Crimson Shadows are primarily the blood mages of Twinmask. The leading figure, often referred to as the High Magus, oversees the ritual, ensuring that all steps are followed meticulously. Acolytes, or apprentice mages, assist the High Magus by preparing the components and tools, drawing the sigils, and restraining the victim. The victim, whose role is both sacrificial and central to the ritual, is chosen for their life force's strength, which is believed to correlate with their vitality and spirit. Occasionally, higher-status mages from neighboring settlements might be invited to witness or partake in the rite, furthering the ritual’s prestige and reinforcing alliances.


Observance of the Rite of Crimson Shadows is both a deeply private and community-wide affair. While the actual ritual is conducted in secrecy, the effects are felt throughout Twinmask. Those who have undergone the rite often exhibit enhanced magical abilities and a sinister aura, marking them as powerful and influential. The community, though divided on the practice of blood magic, recognizes the rite’s significance. Festivals and feasts are held on the nights following the rite, celebrating the newfound power of the mages and reinforcing the settlement’s unity. However, these celebrations are tinged with an undercurrent of fear and reverence, as the price of such power is well understood.
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Cover image: Metallic Council Main Logo


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