The Sea Dragon
The Sea Dragon - Corvette - Captain Beatrix "The Serpent" Blackwood
The Sea Dragon is a sleek and fast corvette, with black sails emblazoned with a red dragon emblem. Its hull is painted a dark blue, with intricate gold accents and carvings of sea creatures adorning the sides. The ship boasts two decks, with a spacious captain's quarters at the stern.
Weapons & Armament
The Sea Dragon is armed with two ballistae and a ram, as well as a variety of cannons and swivel guns. The ballistae deal 3d8 piercing damage, with a range of 120/480 feet, and a +7 to hit. The ram deals 8d10 piercing damage, with a +9 to hit. The cannons deal 6d10 piercing damage, with a range of 500/2,000 feet, and a +9 to hit. The swivel guns deal 2d10 piercing damage, with a range of 80/320 feet, and a +5 to hit.
Armor and defense
The Sea Dragon is heavily armored, with an AC of 20 and 1,500 hit points.
Additional & auxiliary systems
The Sea Dragon is equipped with a system of underwater speakers that can be used to communicate with and command sea creatures. Additionally, the ship carries trained giant poisonous snakes that can be used to board enemy vessels and attack their crews. These snakes have a bite attack that deals 3d6 poison damage, and their poison has a DC of 14.
Hangars & docked vessels
The Sea Dragon has a small hangar that can hold up to two smaller vessels, such as rowboats or dinghies.
"The Serpent's Fury"
"We Strike Like the Dragon, Swift and Deadly"
Owning Organization
Military Formation Usage
300,000 gp
20 ft
80 ft
40 ft
250 tons
120 ft
Complement / Crew
40 crew
Cargo & Passenger Capacity
150 tons / 20 passengers