The Shadow Dancer

The Shadow Dancer - Brigantine - Captain: Isabella "The Shadow" Black   The Shadow Dancer is a sleek and fast brigantine, with a black hull that seems to blend into the darkness of the sea. Its masts are tall and slender, with black sails that catch the wind with ease. The ship's figurehead is a menacing black panther, with emerald eyes that seem to glow in the moonlight. The ship is fitted with multiple decks and cannons, making it a formidable opponent in any battle.

Weapons & Armament

The Shadow Dancer is equipped with multiple decks of cannons, including 20 24-pound cannons and 10 swivel guns. The cannons have a range of 400 feet and deal 6d10 damage.

Armor and defense

The ship's hull is made of thick oak planks and reinforced with iron, providing it with an Armor Class of 19. It also has a magical shield that provides an additional +2 to its AC.

Additional & auxiliary systems

The ship has a magical fog generator that can obscure its movements and confuse enemies.

Hangars & docked vessels

The Shadow Dancer has a small dinghy that can be launched from its side for boarding or scouting purposes.
The Panther's Grace
"We dance with the shadows, but strike with the ferocity of a panther."
Owning Organization
Military Formation Usage
100,000 gp
25 ft
120 ft
90 ft
500 tons
160 ft
Complement / Crew
60 crew
Cargo & Passenger Capacity
50 tons / 20 passengers

Cover image: Metallic Council Main Logo


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