The Silver Shark

The Silver Shark - Yacht - Captain Jaxon "The Shark" Moore
  The Silver Shark is a sleek and modern yacht, painted a metallic silver with sharp lines and angles that give it a predatory look. It is outfitted with all the latest technology and luxury amenities, making it the perfect vessel for high-class travel and entertainment.
  There are three Circle of the Land: Sea druids aboard the Silver Shark. They have mastered the ability to transform into sharks, and they use this form to scout and hunt for the ship, as well as to defend it from any sea creatures that may threaten it. They are also skilled in navigating the waters and predicting the weather, making them valuable members of the crew.

Weapons & Armament

The Silver Shark is equipped with a few small, concealed ballistae that can fire harpoons or bolts, as well as a retractable flamethrower system for close-range defense.
  Small Ballista: To Hit: +6 Damage: 3d10 piercing   Harpoon: To Hit: +6 Damage: 1d10 piercing + 1d6 fire   Bolt: To Hit: +6 Damage: 1d10 piercing   Retractable Flamethrower System: To Hit: +5 Damage: 4d6 fire

Armor and defense

The hull of the Silver Shark is reinforced with enchanted steel plating, giving it an Armor Class of 18 and a total of 500 hit points.

Additional & auxiliary systems

The Silver Shark has a state-of-the-art navigation system that includes an enchanted map that always displays the ship's location and any nearby hazards, as well as a magical communication system that allows the crew to send messages over long distances.

Hangars & docked vessels

The Silver Shark has a small launch bay for a single skiff or tender.
The Silver Bullet
"Swift and Deadly"
Owning Organization
Military Formation Usage
150,000 gp
25 ft
100 ft
20 ft
50 tons
120 ft
Complement / Crew
15 crew
Cargo & Passenger Capacity
10 passengers

Cover image: Metallic Council Main Logo


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