The Storm's Eye

The Storm's Eye - Ketch - Captain Odessa "The Eye" Blake   The Storm's Eye is a sleek and fast ketch with a deep blue hull and silver trimmings. It has two masts, both rigged with square sails, and a bowsprit extending from the front of the ship. The deck is spacious and well-maintained, with a polished wooden finish.

Weapons & Armament

The Storm's Eye is equipped with a variety of magical weapons, including a lightning cannon that can shoot a bolt of lightning at enemy ships, and a whirlpool generator that can create a powerful whirlpool in the water near an enemy ship, making it difficult to maneuver. The whirlpool is created using the spell Whirlwind and can last for up to 1 minute.

Armor and defense

The Storm's Eye is protected by enchanted stormwood armor, giving it an armor class of 18 and 1000 hit points.

Additional & auxiliary systems

The ship is equipped with a magical weather control system that allows the crew to manipulate the winds and currents to their advantage.
The Tempest's Ketch
"Through the storm, we endure."
Owning Organization
Military Formation Usage
60,000 gp
20 ft
70 ft
25 ft
80 tons
60 ft (120 ft with sails)
Complement / Crew
15-20 crew
Cargo & Passenger Capacity
50-100 tons / 30 passengers

Cover image: Metallic Council Main Logo


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