The Wraith

The Wraith - Gaff Rigged Schooner - Captain Avery "The Wraith" Grey   The Wraith is a sleek and speedy gaff rigged schooner, painted a deep midnight blue with black sails that seem to blend into the night sky. The ship is designed to be highly maneuverable, able to outrun almost any other vessel on the sea. Its decks are mostly bare, with only a few small cannons and a harpoon launcher visible, giving the ship a stealthy appearance.

Weapons & Armament

The Wraith is equipped with small cannons that deal 3d10 piercing damage and require a +5 bonus to hit, and a harpoon launcher that deals 4d6 piercing damage and requires a +7 bonus to hit. In addition, The Wraith has the ability to create an area of magical darkness within 30 feet of the ship, causing disadvantage on attack rolls against the ship.

Armor and defense

The Wraith has an armor class of 17 and 400 hit points.

Additional & auxiliary systems

The Wraith has a magical device that allows it to detect other ships within a 5-mile radius, even in complete darkness or inclement weather.

Hangars & docked vessels

The Wraith has a small dinghy stored on board for transport to and from shore, but does not have any hangars or docked vessels.
The Wraith
"Strike swift and disappear into the night."
Owning Organization
Military Formation Usage
100,000 gp
20 ft
70 ft
60 ft
100 tons
150 ft
Complement / Crew
15 crew
Cargo & Passenger Capacity
50 tons / 20 passengers

Cover image: Metallic Council Main Logo


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