Thrashing Storm System Physical / Metaphysical Law in World of Stendaaris | World Anvil

Thrashing Storm System


The Thrashing Storm System is a chaotic and awe-inspiring spectacle of nature's fury. The storm used to only travel between the various parts of the Unstable Ocean however after the events of the dispelling of the the Vow Tangible it freed this storm across all of the World of Stendaaris. The storm is a never ending storm that is manifested as a massive, sprawling tempest that stretches across the horizon, its dark clouds boiling with turbulent energy. The storm is characterized by:   Dark, Swirling Clouds: Towering, almost mountainous clouds that roil and churn with an ominous, dark gray color. The edges of the clouds are tinged with an eerie green and purple glow, hinting at the storm's magical origins.   Constant Lightning: The storm is punctuated by near-constant lightning strikes that illuminate the clouds with brilliant flashes. These bolts are unusually vibrant, casting strange, shifting patterns of light on the sea below.   Raging Winds: Gale-force winds howl through the storm, whipping the ocean into a frenzy. The winds carry with them a mixture of seawater, rain, and an occasional burst of steam from underwater geysers, making visibility almost zero.   Violent Waves: The ocean beneath the storm is a chaotic mess of towering waves that crash and collide with terrifying force. The waves can reach heights of 30 feet or more, making navigation nearly impossible.   Tornadoes and Waterspouts: The storm frequently spawns tornadoes and waterspouts that dance across the ocean's surface, adding to the chaos and danger.   Unpredictable Currents: Beneath the waves, the ocean currents become wildly unpredictable, with sudden shifts in direction and intensity that can capsize even the sturdiest of vessels.


The Thrashing Storm System, also known by various names in different seas, primarily rages in the heart of the Unstable Ocean, but its effects can be felt for miles around. Specific areas include:   Central Vortex: The eye of the storm, a relatively calm but eerie region, is where the storm's power is most concentrated. Ships that find themselves in the central vortex often report strange phenomena, such as time distortions and ghostly apparitions.   Chaotic Currents Corridor: An area just outside the storm's central vortex where the ocean currents are most volatile. Navigating this corridor is perilous, as the currents can change direction with little warning, dragging ships into the heart of the storm.   Lightning Flats: A relatively shallow region of the ocean floor where lightning strikes are especially frequent. The seabed here is littered with the remnants of ships that were struck by lightning and sank.   Volcanic Seamounts: The storm often hovers over a series of underwater volcanoes, adding volcanic steam and ash to the already chaotic mix of elements. Eruptions from these seamounts can create sudden bursts of superheated water and steam, further complicating navigation.

Historical Context

Before the Vow Tangible released its magical hold, the Thrashing Storm System was somewhat contained with the Unstable Ocean, its fury kept in check by the magical barriers. However, since the Vow Tangible's release, the storm has grown in power and unpredictability, becoming one of the most feared natural phenomena in other seas now as well.  

Impact on Local Life

Marine Life: The constant turmoil of the Thrashing Storm System has led to the evolution of unique and resilient marine species. These creatures are adapted to the chaotic conditions, with some even harnessing the storm's energy for their own survival.
  Human Settlements Few dare to settle near the Unstable Ocean due to the constant threat of the storm. Those that do are often nomadic, moving frequently to avoid the storm's path. Salvage operations are common, as the storm frequently exposes or creates shipwrecks.
  Navigation and Trade The Thrashing Storm System is a significant barrier to navigation and trade. Only the most experienced and daring sailors attempt to cross the Unstable Ocean, often using specially designed routes and ships built to withstand the storm's fury.

Cultural Significance

Legends and Myths: The storm has given rise to numerous legends and myths. Some believe it is the wrath of an ancient sea god, while others think it is a gateway to another world.
  Rituals and Superstitions: Local seafarers perform various rituals and follow superstitions to appease the storm or seek safe passage. Offerings to sea deities and elaborate ceremonies are common practices before embarking on a journey through the Unstable Ocean.
Alternative Names and Localization
Charmed Deep - "The Maelstrom Tempest"
In Charmed Deep, the storm takes on a mesmerizing quality, with lightning strikes that create harmonic echoes and waves that dance to an eerie rhythm.
Sea of Plariden - "The Vortex Fury"
In the Sea of Plariden, the storm intensifies, creating powerful whirlpools and vortexes that threaten to swallow ships whole, reflecting the sea's natural protective barriers.
The Tossing Waves - "The Chaos Cyclone"
Among the Bone Islands of The Tossing Waves, the storm manifests as a violent cyclone, tossing ships and creating unpredictable wind patterns that make navigation treacherous.
Green Tides - "The Tempestuous Wrath"
In the Green Tides, the storm blends with the lush underwater vegetation, creating a tempest that whips seaweed and kelp into a frenzy, further complicating the waters.
Motionless Waves - "The Abyssal Rage"
The normally calm Motionless Waves become a boiling cauldron during the storm, with the hot waters creating massive steam clouds and boiling waves that scald anything in their path.
Death Wave Sea - "The Wailing Storm"
In the Death Wave Sea, the storm is accompanied by ghostly wails and apparitions, believed to be the spirits of lost sailors, adding an eerie terror to the violent waves and winds. With all the sunken ships in these waters makes this extermely perialious to travel when the storm is active.
Misty Tides - "The Eternal Squall"
In the Misty Tides, the storm brings a perpetual, dense fog and continuous rainfall, creating a squall that never seems to end and obscures all visibility.
Unstable Ocean - "The Thrashing Storm System"
The original and most chaotic manifestation of the storm, with all its violent waves, unpredictable currents, and frequent lightning strikes.
Tinted Ocean - "The Thunderous Gale"
In the Tinted Ocean, the storm's lightning creates a dazzling display of colors, turning the normally vibrant waters into a churning, multi-colored gale.
Ethereal Tides - "The Phantom Tempest"
Over the Ethereal Tides, the storm becomes ghostly and ethereal, with translucent waves and spectral lightning that seem to exist between this world and the next, making navigation almost impossible.
Metaphysical, Elemental

Cover image: Metallic Council Main Logo


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