Transmutation E.C.H.O

Transmutation E.C.H.O is a silver liquid with multicolored flecks that shift, favored in spells that alter physical properties. Found near geological upheavals, it enhances transmutation spells and is used in creating adaptable materials and magical constructs. Stable but requiring orichalcum-lined crucibles for refinement, it is traded openly but subject to regulations to prevent misuse.


Material Characteristics

Malleable, changes consistency based on its container.

Physical & Chemical Properties

Enhances transmutation spells, grants greater control over physical changes.


Reacts dynamically with metals and gemstones to alter their properties.

Geology & Geography

Found near geological upheavals or areas rich in diverse minerals.

Origin & Source

Thought to have originated from the core of the earth, where intense pressure and magic fuse materials.

Life & Expiration

Stable; does not deteriorate but can become inert if not used periodically.

History & Usage

Everyday use

In the creation of transmutable objects and in alchemy.

Cultural Significance and Usage

Prized in artisan crafts and construction for its transformative properties.

Industrial Use

Used in the manufacture of adaptable materials and magical constructs.


Requires a crucible lined with orichalcum or another magically conductive metal.

Manufacturing & Products

Shape-changing tools, magical alloys, versatile fabrics.

Byproducts & Sideproducts

Occasional creation of unintended alloys or new materials.


Unpredictable reactions if mixed with incompatible elements.

Environmental Impact

Generally low, unless used to transform large areas or ecosystems.

Reusability & Recycling

Can be melted down and reformed into new configurations.


Trade & Market

Traded openly but subject to regulations to prevent misuse.


Best kept in containers that are neutral in material properties to avoid unintended reactions.

Law & Regulation

Regulated to ensure it is not used for illegal transformations or unethical purposes.
High due to its wide range of applications.
Neutral, occasionally takes on the scent of nearby materials.
Chalky, with a mutable flavor that can change based on the last material it touched.
Silver with multicolored flecks that shift.
Boiling / Condensation Point
320°C / 110°C
Melting / Freezing Point
Variable, changes with its state.
Common State
Liquid but can become solid under certain conditions.

Cover image: Metallic Council Main Logo


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