Witchfire Decay

Witchfire Decay is a rare and severe magical disease that affects the Grand Master/Mistress Wizards connected to the Eternity Wells of Stendaaris. Originating from the corruption of these wells, the disease disrupts the symbiotic link between the wizards and their magical sources, leading to both physical and magical deterioration. The primary cause of Witchfire Decay is the infusion of dark magic, disruption of ley lines, or other magical contaminants that taint an Eternity Well. Symptoms progress from fatigue and pallor to severe magical incapacity and physical decay, mirroring the corruption level of the well. Treatment requires purifying the corrupted well, with the prognosis largely dependent on the timeliness of this intervention. Preventative measures include stringent monitoring and protection of the wells, overseen by the Academy of Thorn'Adan. Witchfire Decay serves as a crucial indicator of the health of the magical ecosystem in Renstrom, reflecting the delicate balance necessary to maintain the purity of the Eternity Wells and the safety of the realm’s most powerful magicians.

Transmission & Vectors

Witchfire Decay does not transmit between individuals but affects only those directly linked to a corrupted Eternity Well. The Grand Master/Mistress Wizards, who are symbiotically connected to these wells, are the primary victims. There is no vector in the traditional sense, as the disease stems from a metaphysical corruption of magical energies.


The primary cause of Witchfire Decay is the corruption of an Eternity Well. This corruption might occur due to the infusion of dark magic, disruption of ley lines, or other forms of magical contamination that affect the well’s purity.


Symptoms of Witchfire Decay manifest both physically and magically. Initially, affected wizards may experience extreme fatigue, weakness, and a pallid complexion. As the condition worsens, symptoms escalate to include magical incapacity, uncontrollable tremors, lesions, growths, and a severe deterioration of mental faculties, reflecting the corruption of the well.


Treatment involves purifying the corrupted Eternity Well, which can halt the progression of Witchfire Decay. Magical rituals, often requiring collective efforts from multiple high-level mages, are necessary to cleanse and stabilize the well. Direct medical treatments to alleviate symptoms might include magical potions or spells designed to fortify the wizard’s health temporarily.


If the corruption of the well is addressed early, the prognosis is good, and full recovery is possible. However, prolonged exposure to a corrupted well can lead to irreversible damage or death.


Long-term effects or sequela of Witchfire Decay can include diminished magical abilities, lasting physical weakness, or chronic health issues, depending on the duration and severity of the exposure to the corruption.

Affected Groups

The primary group affected by Witchfire Decay is the Grand Master/Mistress Wizards, due to their direct connection to the Eternity Wells.

Hosts & Carriers

The disease does not have hosts or carriers in the traditional sense, as it is non-communicable and tied directly to the magical environment of an Eternity Well.


Preventing Witchfire Decay primarily involves ensuring the purity and stability of Eternity Wells. Regular monitoring, protective enchantments, and restricted access to the wells are key measures implemented by the Academy of Thorn'Adan.


Given its rarity and specific conditions for emergence, the epidemiology of Witchfire Decay is limited to occurrences tied directly to the health of Eternity Wells. Historical records in the Academy help track and analyze these incidents.


Historically, Witchfire Decay has been a catalyst for significant events in Stendaaris, often leading to shifts in magical practices or the reformation of laws governing the use of Eternity Wells.

Cultural Reception

Culturally, Witchfire Decay is feared and regarded with grave seriousness, as it signifies not just personal illness but a broader threat to the magical balance of Stendaaris.
Chronic, Acquired

Cover image: Metallic Council Main Logo


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